Personal Paragraphs of Chittenden County
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Personal Paragraphs Index
TAFT, George W., Williston, is a farmer, mid was born in Underhill, Vt, on June 8, 1846. He was a son of Aaron and Verona (Lurvey) Taft His paternal grandfather, John Taft, was from Shaftsbury, Vt, who settled in Williston, Vt., in 1818. He was a descendant of Robert Taft, who settled in Braintree, Mass., in 1676. His maternal grandfather was Moses P. Lurvey, a native of Barnard, Vt, who settled in Underhill, Vt, in or about 1812. John Taft had a family of eight children: Aaron, Hannah, Lotisa, Louisa, Webster, Mary, Solomon, and John W. Aaron Taft had one son, George W. Taft, who grew to maturity. George W. Taft was married twice; his first wife was Ella A. Taft, a daughter of William K. and Emeline (Laroson) Taft, of Williston, Vt, by whom he had one child, William K. He then married for his second wife Emily S. Taft, a sister of his first wife. They had one child born to them, Elmer A. George W. Taft has resided on the farm which he now occupies, and which consists of 437 acres, since 1868,
TALCOTT, David L, Williston, was born in Williston, Vt., on December 12, 1844. He was a son of Mack M. and Catherine (Isham) Talcott. His paternal grandfather, Jonathan G. Talcott, was a son of Josiah Talcott, who was a son of Deacon Talcott, who settled in Williston, Vt., in 1787. Josiah Talcott had a family of four children born to him : Jonathan G., Timothy, Electa and Eliza. Of these Jonathan G. has had a family of two children : Appollus and Mack M. Mack M. has two children, Jonathan G. and David I. David I. now resides on the old homestead, which was originally .settled by his great-grandfather at an early day. He was married on January 1, 1870, to Ella M. Thacher, a daughter of James and Cornelia (Patterson) Thacher, of Williston, Vt They have had a family of six children born to them, of whom three, Florence, Edith M. and Lester, are living. David L.'s maternal grandfather, David Isham, was an early settler in Williston, Vt
TEACHOUT, Stephen D., Essex, is a farmer and was born in Burlington, Vt., on April 30, 1831. He was a son of Henry and Clarissa (Stevens) Teachout. His father was a native of Watertown, N. Y., and came to Essex, Vt., at an early day, where he learned the business of surveying from John Johns, who was one of the first surveyors of Chittenden county, Vt. He had a family of nine children: Hannibal, Lucius, Carlos, Emily, Erasmus, Alma, Philetus, Lucy J. and Stephen D. Mr. Teachout was a prominent man in his day and did an extensive business in farming and lumbering. He died on April 30, 1852, aged seventy-one years. Stephen D. Teachout's maternal grandfather was Ahram Stevens, who settled in Essex, Vt., just after the close of the Revolutionary War, a war in which he took an active part. Stephen D. was brought up in Essex, Vt, coming here when but three years of age. He was married in June, 1861, to Mary E. Ryan, a daughter of John and Nancy (Barley) Ryan, of Essex, Vt, who were natives of Ireland. He has had a family of seven children: Nellie (deceased), Alberta B. (now Mrs. Archie Beach), Edgar D., William S., Herbert S. and Hugh R. (twins), and Adelade M.
TEACHOUT, Philetus, Williston, was born in Essex, Vt, on February 5, 1824. He was brought up in Essex, Vt., where he remained until 1858, when he came to Williston, Vt. He married Margaret Kelly, by whom he has had a family of six children: Thomas, David, Edward, Mary, Charles and Clara. Philetus Teachout was a son of Henry and Clarissa (Stevens) Teachout His father was a native of Highgate, Vt., and when a boy came to Essex town, Vt, where he resided with Captain John Johnson, with whom he remained for some time and learned the business of surveying, a business which he followed in his early life; later he engaged in the carpenters' and joiners' business. He died in 1852. He had a family of nine children born to him : Hannibal, Carlos, Lucy, Lucius, Fayette, Alma, Philetus, Jane, Stephen D. His maternal grandfather was Abram Stevens, who was a pioneer in Essex, Vt. He was a carpenter by trade. Albert G. married Sarah Dunlap, and by her had two children, William and Gertie M. Alfred G. Varney is one of the first farmers of Westford, Vt. He believes in doing all things well, as his farm, buildings, and stock attest, and his thrift and industry have placed him in comfortable circumstances. He is a Democrat, but no politician. He is a master Mason and has been a member of .the association since the age of twenty-one. Through his efforts the two creameries at Westford were started. His farm consists of about 180 acres.
THORP, Henry, Charlotte, was born in Charlotte, Vt., in December, 1826. He is a farmer in the town, owning a farm of 350 acres of fine land; he is also largely engaged in the breeding of Atwood Merino Sheep, fine-blooded trotting horses and graded stock. His homestead over looks the lake on the west and a fine range of mountains on the east He was married on June 17, 1856, to Elizabeth Palmer, who was born in Wellsboro, K Y., on July 12, 1829. They have had a family of three sons born to them: Irving H. (married Mary Brownell; is now editor and proprietor of the Middlebury Register), Clarence H. (married Lillian Tyler), and Emerson, who is a farmer and nurseryman. Elizabeth Thorp was a daughter of George W. and Laura (Lewis) Palmer. Henry Thorp was a son of George and Currence (Maeck) Thorp He was born in Londonderry, Ireland, and she was born in Shelburne, Vt They were married in Charlotte, Vt. She died in 1829. leaving two sons, William, born in 1824, and Henry, born in 1826. George was married twice; he had two sons by his first wife, George and John G. George Thorp, sr., settled in the town of Charlotte, Vt, 1799, on the death of his cousin John, who was then a merchant in Charlotte, Vt. George became his successor. He was also a seafaring man, and had held the office of supercargo, making Philadelphia his headquarters.
THOMPSON, Josiah, Richmond, a native of New Hampshire, came to Richmond, Vt, nearly a hundred years ago. He married Anna Haskins, by whom he had the following children: Josiah, Jesse, Timothy, Truman. Benoni, Farnum F., Jonas, Samuel, Sally, Italy, Susan, Buelah, Sarah and Mary. Farnum married Currence Kenyon, a daughter of Samuel Kenyon, of Richmond. Their children were : Timothy, Mary, Fanny, Arthur (who died an infant), Arthur 2d and Sally. Starting with no capital save muscle and good health, Farnum F, Thompson has amassed a competence sufficient to support him in his declining years. The extent of his present farm is about 230 acres. He is now living at the advanced age of seventy-two years.
THOMPSON, Noah, Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a farmer and was born in Colchester, Vt, on November 25, 1810. He was a son of Isaac and Eunice (Partcher) Thompson, His father was a native of Dover, N. H., and settled in Colchester, Vt., in 1810, and cleared the farm which is now owned by Martin Bryant. He afterward removed to the farm which is now owned and occupied by W. W. W. Thompson, which he cleared and improved and upon which he resided until the time of his death. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and participated in the battle of Plattsburgh. He was thrice married. His second wife was Eunice Partcher, by whom he had two children: Eunice and Noah. His third wife was Susan Partcher, by whom he had a family of thirteen children: Olive, Robert P., Isaac, William, Milo, Mary, Susan, John, Lewis,. Wallace W. W., Sarah, Werter and George T. Noah Thompson was brought up in Colchester, Vt., and was married in 1834 to Hannah Greenough, a daughter of Thomas and. Roba (Arnold) Greenough, who settled in Colchester, Vt., about 1804, They have had a family of ten children born to them: Harlow C, Murray W., Hannah, Eunice, Columbus, Stephen, Sarah, Esther M., Newton and Jennie 0. Mr. Thompson has been a deacon in the Baptist Church for over twenty years and a member since 1843. His wife has been a member of the same denomination for fifty years. He has been an industrious and honorable citizen, and a firm supporter of the church during his connection with it.
THOMPSON, Wallace W. W., Colchester, is a farmer and blacksmith, and was born in Colchester, Vt., January 16, 1826. He was a son of Isaac and Susan (Partcher) Thompson. He was brought up on the old homestead at Colchester, Vt, where his father first settled. He was married twice. His first wife was Cynthia M. Durkee, to whom he was married January 16, 1850. She was a daughter of Rufus and Polly (Parks) Durkee, of Grafton, N. Y. His second wife was Cornelia C. Marrs, of Milton, Vt. She was a daughter of William and Cynthia (Newell) Marrs, of Milton, Vt By his second wife he had a family of eleven children, of whom three are now living, Emma (now Mrs. Joseph Moore), Susan C, and George L. Mr. Thompson has held several of the minor offices of his town.
TUTTLE, Josiah, Essex, is a retired farmer and was born in Sheldon, Vt., January 5, 1810 He was a son of Josiah and Sarah (Weeks) Tuttle, and was left an orphan at the age of six years. He came to Winooski, Vt., in 1826, and while there worked in the woolen factory of his brother, Jed Tuttle, until he reached his twenty-first year. He worked also at his trade at Chamblean, Canada, for one year, after which he embarked in the manufacture of woolen goods in Milton, Vt,, where he remained for three years. He also engaged in the same business in Essex, N. Y., for ten years; after this he engaged in farming, from which he retired in 1844 and settled in Essex, Vt., and again engaged in mercantile business, in which he continued for ten years, and after which he engaged in farming. He has always taken an active part in the public affairs of the town. He represented his town in the Legislature in 1849, and in 1858 and 1859 he represented his town in the Senate. In 1871 he had placed in the new and spacious town hall a beautiful large marble tablet, at a cost of $210, in memory of the soldiers of Essex, Vt., who died in the service of the Union in the late War of the Rebellion.
TYLER, Erasmus H., Essex, was born in Essex, Vt, February 16, 1833. He is a farmer, and was a son of Daniel and Parmelia (Farrand) Tyler. His paternal grandfather was Zuriel Tyler who with his three brothers, David, Judson, and George, from Attlebury, Mass., were among the pioneers of Essex, Vt. Judson and George later in life removed to Ohio, where they remained until the time of their deaths. Daniel Tyler was a farmer and mechanic. His wife was a. daughter of Timothy Farrand, a pioneer of Colchester, Vt. Erasmus H. Tyler was brought up in Essex, Vt., and was married April 23, 1867, to Jennie H. Farrand, a daughter of Cyrus and Roxy (Tyler) Farrand, of Colchester, Vt. Mr. Tyler was a soldier in the late War of the Rebellion, enlisting in Co. D, Thirteenth Vermont Regiment, and participating in the battle of Gettysburg; was honorably discharged after ten and one-half months' active service.
TYLER, Orlen, Essex, is a farmer, and was born in Essex, Vt., on the farm on which he now resides, October 11, 1804. He was a son of Zuriel and Melutabel (Bassett) Tyler. His father was a native of Attlebury, Mass., and was among the pioneers of Essex, Vt., coming here and settling on the farm which is now owned by his son, Orlen Tyler. He had a family of six children, Daniel, Rodney, Orlen, Roxy, Irena, and Ruby. Orlen Tyler was brought up in Essex, Vt, on the old homestead, where he has since resided with the exception of two years. He has been married twice. His first wife was Mary Austin, a daughter of Gardner and Nancy (Crandell) Austin, of Essex, Vt. To this marriage were born two children, Lewis and Allen. His second wife was Lucretia Horr, of Essex, Vt. To them have also been born two children, Edward and Willard.
VARNEY, Dr. William H. H., Charlotte, East Charlotte p. o., was born in Charlotte, Vt., August. 21, 1839. He was a graduate of the Berkshire Medical College at Pittsfield, Mass., in 1862, and he also has a diploma from the Vermont University medical department, at Burlington, Vt. He settled in East Charlotte, Vt., in 1862, in the practice of his profession, and still resides at that place. He was married in 1863 to Augusta C. Ball, who was a daughter of David and Eliza (Smith) Ball, and was born July 3, 1840. They had a family of four children born to them, Minettie A., Charles A. (deceased), Anna E.. and May P. Dr. Varney was a son of Alpheus and Phila (Palmer) Varney. She was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt, April 9,1794, and he was born in Berwick, Me., November 18, 1798. They were married in Charlotte, Vt., 1821, where they died. Alpheus settled in Charlotte in 1810, with his father, Nathaniel Varney. Alpheus and Phila had a family of six children born to them, three of whom are now living, Electa P., George W., and Dr. William H. EL Nathaniel Varney was a native of Maine, and settled in Addison county, Vt, in 1801. He was a clock manufacturer, blacksmith, and machinist, and settled on the Lewis Creek in the southeast part of Charlotte, Vt., about 1810.
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