Personal Paragraphs of Chittenden County

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Personal Paragraphs Index



WARD, Ebenezer, Charlotte, North Ferrisburgh p. o., was born in Bethlehem, Albany county, N. Y., on July 17, 1817. He was in early life a merchant and in later life a farmer. He was married in 1840 to Esther Hall, of Charlotte, Vt   She died, leaving one daughter, Emily, who married Carlos Kimball. Ebenezer then married his second wife, Ann Stow, of Morristown, Vt, in 1843.  She died on June 29, 1867, leaving a family of five children - Martin Edward, Ann Eliza, Stow Haven, Louisa and Henry Beecher. Edward. Louisa and Henry B. died each at the age of nine years. Stow Haven was a graduate of the Bellevue Medical College in 1872, and practiced in the hospital for one year, and settled in Rome, N. Y., in 1874, where he became one of the leading physicians. He married Sarah Holmes, of Rome, N. Y. He died in Rome, N. Y., on November 30, 1885, leaving a widow and two children - Claudius and Elmer E. Ebenezer Ward then married his third wife, Mrs. Jane E. Carpenter, who was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt, on January 22, 1827, and was married to Ebenezer in 1871. She had a family of two daughters by her first husband, Mr. Barber - Jannie A. and Flora E. She was a daughter of Heman and Harriet (Field) Carpenter. Ebenezer was a son of Chapman and Sarah (Jones) Ward, who were natives of Albany county, N. Y. He died in 1828. .Sarah was born in 1796 and died in Wisconsin in 1873. They have had six children born to them, five of whom are now living-.Ebenezer, Mary, Joseph, Chapman and Sarah.

WALSTON, Daniel J., of Hinesburg, Vt., was born in Williston. Vt., in 1830. He has been a justice of the peace for several years in Starksboro, Vt He settled in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1869, where he purchased his farm and with nine others erected the Walston Union Cheese .Factory in 1871. He now owns and runs the same, using the milk of 225 cows, and keeps a dairy of his own, numbering about twenty-five cows. His cheese finds a ready market in Boston, Mass. He was married twice. His first wife was Oressa Small, of Huntington, Vt, to whom he was married February 3, 1852. She died November 24, 1852. He was then married in 1855 to Mary H. Smith, who was born in Brandon, Vt., in 1832. She was a daughter of Lemuel and Amelia Smith. Daniel J. Walston was a son of Amasa and Phebe (Bates) Walston. He was born in Williston, Vt, in 1804, and his wife was born in.Richmond, Vt., in 1826 and died in 1864. They bad five children born to them, two of whom are now living Daniel J. and Harry M. Amasa was a son of Daniel and Achsa (Graves) Walston, who were natives of Massachusetts and settled in Williston, Vt, before 1800.

WALSTON, Obadiah, Williston, was born in Richmond, Vt., on August 14, 1821. .He was a son of  William and Sophronia (Titus) Walston. His paternal grandfather was Obadiah Walston, a native of Guilford, Conn., who settled in Richmond, Vt., about 1794. He later removed to Williston, Vt., and resided on the farm which is now owned by James N. Dower. He cleared and improved this farm and resided on it until the time of his death. He had a family of six children - William, Rufus, Electa, Amos, Beulah and Minerva. His maternal grandfather was John Titus, an early settler in Hinesburg, Vt. William C. Walston was born in Richmond, Vt  He was a resident of this county most of his life and died in Franklin county. N. Y., in 1872, at the age of seventy-eight years. He had a family, of six children - Russel, Obadiah, Amos, Cynthia J., Electa A. and William T. Obadiah Walston was married in 1849 to Nancy Bradley, a daughter of Stillman, jr., and Electa (Walston) Bradley, of Williston, Vt. Mr. Walston is a representative farmer and is now .serving his second term as selectman.

WARNER, J. Keeler, Essex, was born in Essex, Vt, on December 2, 1833.   He is a farmer and a son of Benjamin Y. and Julia (Keeler) Warner. His paternal grandfather, Benjamin F. Warner, was a pioneer physician of Essex, Vt, who married Betsey Ames and reared a family of six children - Isabella, Benjamin Y., Joan, Zuthan, Abigail and Wesley. Of these children.  Benjamin Y. was a physician and practiced in this county for many years. He had two children- J. Keeler and James F. His maternal grandfather was John Keeler, a son of James Keeler, who was a pioneer farmer of Essex, vt, where both lived and died. J. Keeler was married in 1859 to Harriet Spencer, a daughter of William and Mary (Bowman) Spencer, of Boston, Mass. They have had three children born to them - Mary J., Lizzie M. and Carrie E.  J. Keeler Warner has spent the greater part of his life in Essex, Vt, and now occupies the old homestead which was formerly owned by his grandfather, John Keeler.

WEED, Edwin B., Essex, is a farmer and was horn in Essex. Vt, on November 30, 1846. He is a son of Joseph B. and Polly (Sinclair) Weed. His paternal grandfather, Joseph Weed, sr., was a native of Lebanon, New Hampshire, who settled in Essex, Vt, in 1810, on the farm which is now owned and occupied by Edwin B., which he cleared and improved himself. His children were Joseph B., Roswell A., William, Daniel, Hannah, Lydia, Abigail, Eunice, Betsey, and Susan. Edwin B.'s maternal grandfather was Jeremiah Sinclair, who was among the pioneers of Essex, Vt Joseph B. resided on the old homestead until his death, which occurred in 1882. He had a family of eleven children-Albert, Adeline, Lydia, Roswell, Julia A. (deceased), William, Lucretia, Sarah, Susan (deceased), Martha, and Edwin B. Edwin B. was married in 1871 to Viola A. Brownell, a daughter of Albert C. and Almira (Cary) Brownell, of Colchester, Vt, and now owns and occupies the old homestead.

WEED, Enoch Day Woodbridge, Hinesburg, was born in Hinesburg, Vt August 5, 1827 He is the second son of Henry and Sarah Maria (Woodbridge) Weed. Henry was a son of John Weed and was born in Hinesburg, Vt, September 7, 1797, and died at the old homestead in " Happy Valley," on the 5th day of August, 1872. He was a justice of the peace for many years, a prosperous and successful farmer, and for a number of years was engaged in prosecuting the claims of Revolutionary soldiers and their widows to a pension. He was a prominent and useful man in his town and county, and was at one time the owner of the land upon which there is situated the highest mountain in the town. He named it "Mount Lincoln," in honor of the illustrious and martyred President Lincoln. Sarah Maria Woodbridge, the wife of Henry, was born in Vergennes. Vt, January 20, 1796, and died on the 10th of May, 1872. She was the daughter of Enoch Woodbridge, who was chief judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont from 1794 to 1801. They lived together for more than fifty years, and celebrated their golden wedding. They were members of the Congregational Church, and were highly esteemed and sincerely mourned by those neighbors and friends amongst whom they had spent so many years. They had a family of seven children born to them: Charles H., Elizabeth H., Enoch D. W., Frances B. (married Francis K. Nichols, an extensive wool manufacturer at Alton, Illinois), Sarah S. (married Ira D. Fletcher, of Bridport, Vt), John J. and Anson H.. all of whom are now living. Henry was a son of John and Dolly (Phelps) Weed. John was born in Danbury, Conn., September 30, 1762, and died in Hinesburg, Vt., on September 30, 1839. His wife, Dolly, was born in Pittsfield, Mass., in November, 1767, and died in Hinesburg, Vt, in November, 1852. They were married in 1787, and settled in Hinesburg, Vt, the same year. They had a family of eleven children born to them, only one of whom is now living, Julia, who is now a resident of Ypsilanti, Mich. John was noted for great physical strength, and many stories are told of his courage and endurance in the early days of privation. He was a prosperous and industrious farmer, and purchased his homestead, of more than 300. acres, at the time of his first settlement here. The homestead is still in the family, .being owned and occupied by his grandchildren, Charles H. Weed, Enoch D. and Elizabeth H. Weed. Charles H. Weed has held the most important of the town offices. John J. is a successful lawyer at Washington, D. C. He was admitted to the bar in Quincy, III. He was appointed solicitor for the United States in the Court of Claims, in 1864, by President Lincoln. Anson H. served for more than two years as a first lieutenant in the Second Vermont Infantry during the late Rebellion. He was appointed postmaster at Hinesburg, Vt, in January, 1886.

WHEELER, Adolphus M., Colchester, is a farmer, and was born in Colchester, Vt., on October 7,1837. He was a son of Chauncey and Teresa (Cary) Wheeler. His paternal grandfather, Mr. Wheeler, was a native of England, and was among the pioneer settlers of Milton, Vt, where he remained until the time of his death. His maternal grandfather, Seth Cary, was; among the pioneers of Colchester, Vt. Chauncey Wheeler was reared in Milton, Vt, and came to Colchester, Vt, in 1825, where he died in 1882, aged ninety years. He had a family of four children - Sarah, Clara, James, and Adolphus M. Adolphus M. now occupies the old homestead. He was married in 1874 to Ellen Parker, a daughter of William B. Parker, of Johnson, Vt, but now a resident of Colchester, Vt They have had a family of two children born to them - Hattie and Theron.

WHITE Robert J., Shelburne, was bora at Shelburne Point Vt, in 1829, and where he still resides. He was elected member of the Legislature in 1866 and 1867, and has also been selectman, town treasurer, and superintendent of schools. He was also a steamboat inspector in the employ of the government for nine years, and still holds that office. He has also served the Champlain Transportation Company in several offices. He was married in 1854 to Louisa A. Blinn, of Shelburne, Vt. They have had three sons born to them - Henry S., Frank G" and Channing T. Robert J. White was a son of Lavater S. and Polly (Taber). White. They had a family of five children born to them, three of whom are now living -Henry B., Robert J., and Polly T. Lavater S. White was married twice; his second wife was Sarah A. Lyon. They had one son born to them - George A. Lavater White was born in Middlebury, Mass. He was an early ship builder, and for many years in the employ of the Champlain Transportation Company. He was also a steamboat inspector in government employ for twenty-five years. He was a son of Nathan and Elizabeth (Sproat) White. They came from Middlebury, Mass., and settled in Burlington, Vt, in 1791, and in 1797 came to Shelburne Point, Vt, where Nathan died in January, 1826, leaving a family of three sons, Robert, Andrew, and Lavater.

WHITNEY, George W., Williston, is a farmer, and was born in Williston, Vt, on February 5, 1833. He now owns and occupies the old homestead which was formerly owned by his father, and which was first owned by Deacon Beriah Murray, who settled on it at a very early day. George W. was married in 1856 to Marion Murray, a daughter of Hiram and Lydia (Holt) Murray. To them has been born one son, Murray D. Marion Whitney's maternal grandfather, Curtis Murray, was a son of Deacon Murray, who was among the early settlers of Vermont. George W. Whitney was a son of Samuel D. and Clarissa (Reed) Whitney.  Clarissa Whitney was a daughter of Joshua Reed, who was among the first settlers in the town of Shelburne, Vt. Samuel I). Whitney had a family of six children - Ellen, George W., Albert R., Marion E., Martha C, and Francis J. Samuel D. was born in Hinesburg, Vt., on October 18, 1804. He was a son of Paul Whitney, and was among the pioneers of Hinesburg, Vt.  Later in life he moved to Durham, Conn., where he was a magistrate for many years; was a teacher by occupation, and was married twice. He had a large family of children, of whom Samuel D. was brought up in Hinesburg, Vt., and about 1825 he settled in Williston, Vt. (on the farm which is now occupied by his eon Whitney), and where he resided until the time of his death, which occurred in 1825. He was a prominent farmer and business man of his town for many years.

WILKINS, Frank C, Williston, is a farmer, and was born at Stowe, Vt, February 2, 1849, He was a son of Phineas P. and Lucinda M. (Chittenden) Wilkins. Phineas was an early settler in Williston, Vt., and was a blacksmith by trade, a trade at which he worked for twelve years in the town of Winooski, Vt. he died in Williston, Vt, November 27, 1876, aged fifty-five years. He had two children, Henry P. and Frank C. Frank C.'s maternal grandfather was Truman A. Chittenden, a son of Martin Chittenden and a grandson of Thomas Chittenden, who was the first governor of Vermont, and settler in Williston, Vt. Frank C. Wilkins settled in Williston, Vt, in 1874, and has resided on his present farm since 1875. He was married on October 28, 1874, to Sarah J., a daughter of Thomas and Emily (Story) Metcalf, of Williston, Vt They have had one child born to them, Nellie L. Frank C. Wilkins owns a farm of 133 acres, also a dairy of twenty-six cows.   He is also a breeder of Jersey cattle.

WILSON, Francis, Hinesburg, was born in Lancaster, Coos county, New Hampshire, in 1803.  He represented his district in 1856 and 1857 in the Senate; was also a side judge in the county, and also held other minor offices. He was an early merchant in Middlebury, Vt., and settled in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1830, where he was married in 1831 to Rachel Leavenworth, a daughter of General N. Leavenworth and Betsey (Hurlburt) Leavenworth. Betsey was born in Arlington, Vt, and General Leavenworth was born in Washington, Litchfield county, Connecticut They were married in Burlington, Vt, in 1806, and had one child born to them, Rachel L. General Leavenworth was married twice; his first wife was Anna Buckingham, of New Milford, Conn., and by whom he had three children, Hester, Henry, and Nathan. General Nathan Leavenworth was a son of Nathan and Rachel (Castle) Leavenworth, who came from Connecticut on horseback, and settled in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1787. General Leavenworth was for many years a member of the Legislature, also a member of the governor's council for two terms, and held many of the offices of the town. He was also an influential man in his State. He erected the Leavenworth mansion in 1795. He was born in 1764 and died in 1849. His wife, Betsey, was born in 1785 and died in 1873. Rachel Lucretia Leavenworth was married in 1831, and was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1810. They had a family of two children born to them. Lucretia L. married Rev. John B. Perry, who was born in Richmond, Berkshire county, Massachusetts. She died in 1857, leaving one son,  Francis W., who now resides on the Leavenworth homestead and owns the same. His grandmother, the widow Wilson, now resides with him. Francis W. was married in October, 1884, to Nettie Patrick, a daughter of Daniel Patrick. They have had one son born to them, Thomas Perry. Rev. John E. Perry died at Cambridge, Mass., in 1872. He was a member of the college faculty.   Hon Francis Wilson died in 1864, aged sixty-one years.

WILSON, Henry M., Hinesburg. was born March 31, 1835. He has chosen a farm life in preference to a political strife, and is heir to many valuable relics of early days. One was a sword which was used by a general at the battle of Bunker Hill. It has a solid silver handle and a glittering steel saber. He now owns and occupies a part of the old homestead which was purchased by his grandfather, General Nathan Leavenworth, in 1787. He was married in 1857 to Sarah Griggs, who was born in Corning, N. Y., and died in 1873, leaving three children, Robert H., Mary L., and Sophia M. Henry M. Wilson then married his second wife, Isadore Hickok, of New Haven, Addison county, Vt., on January 28, 1874. He was a son of Francis and Rachel L. (Leavenworth) Wilson. Francis was born in New Hampshire in 1803, and Rachel L. was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1810. They were married in 1831, and have had two children born to them, Lucretia L. (married the Rev. John Perry; they died, leaving one son, F. W. Perry) and Henry M. Francis Wilson was chosen senator in 1856 and 1857, was side judge of his county, and held many other offices. He died in 1864. He was an early merchant in Middlebury, Vt., and retired in 1830, and engaged in farming at Hinesburg, Vt. Rachel Lucretia (Leavenworth) Wilson was a daughter of General Nathan Leavenworth and Betsey (Hurlburt) Leavenworth. She was born in Arlington, Vt., in 1785. He was born in 1764, and died in 1849. They were married in 1806. he settled in Hinesburg, Vt., in March, 1787, coming here from Roxbury, Conn. They had a family of but one daughter, Rachel L. General Nathan was a son of Nathan and Rachel (Castle) Leavenworth, who settled in Hinesburg, Vt,. in 1787. He purchased his farm in 1786, and erected a log house, where he died in 1802. General Leavenworth represented his town for twenty-one years, and was an influential man in his town and county.

WOOLWORTH, Lucius, Essex, is a farmer of Essex, Vt, and was born there December 31, 1823. He has been married twice; his first wife was Esther Curtis, of Essex, Vt, by whom he had a family of three children, Elsie, Hiram, and Eunie. His second wife was Sophia Ellis, of Fletcher, Vt They have had two children born to them, Elsie (deceased) and Etta L.  Lucius Woolworth was a son of Asaph and Harriet (Halbert) Woolworth, who were among the early settlers in Essex, Vt They had a family of fourteen children born to them, Lysander, Georger Asaph, Mosley, Eunice, Lucius, Horace, Alba, Sydney, Norman, Harriet, Sophia, Henry, and Mary.   Lucius's paternal grandfather was Asaph W., who was a pioneer of Underhill, Vt.

WRIGHT, George N., Colchester, was born in Colchester, Vt., August 22, 1837. He was a son of Nelson and Mary P. (Mayo) Wright. His paternal grandfather, Inman Wright, was a native of Connecticut, and a pioneer of Essex, Vt., later of Colchester, Vt., locating on the farm which is now occupied by George N. Wright, where he kept a hotel for several years. He had a family of five children, James, Nelson, Lucy, Eliza, and Ann. His paternal grandfather was Daniel Mayo, also a pioneer of Colchester. Nelson Wright lived on the farm which is now occupied by his son, George N., for nearly sixty years. He died October 5, 1883, aged eighty-three years. His children were Marion, George N., Charles N., Marcos H., and Abbie E. George N. was married October 27, 1863, to Caroline H., a daughter of John and Harriet (Fowler) Severance, of Colchester, Vt Their children are Luna K, Charles W., Eugene S., and Clara B. Mr. Wright was in the late War of the Rebellion, enlisting September 6, 1862, as corporal in Co. D, Thirteenth Vermont Regiment, and was at the battle of Gettysburg, served ten months, and was honorably discharged July 21, 1863.

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