Personal Paragraphs of Chittenden County
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Personal Paragraphs Index
CAMPBELL, McKay, Colchester, Mallett Bay p. o., was born in Durness, county Inverness, Scotland, on November 20, 1839, and came to America in 1841, and settled in Colchester, Vt., in May, 1883, where he has since resided. From 1883 to the spring of 1886 he was proprietor of the Mallett Bay House, a popular summer resort.
CARY, Silas B., Colchester, Winooski p. o.. is a farmer and was born in Colchester, Vt, on November 9, 1837. He was a son of Elisha and Lucy (Wright) Cary. His paternal grandfather, Seth Cary, and his maternal grandfather, lnman Wright, were among the pioneers of Colchester, Vt. The children of Seth Cary who grew to maturity were Elisha, Jesse, Adolphua, and Chloe; of these Elisha had a family of three children, James, Eliza and Silas B. Silas B. spent the early part of his life in Colchester, Vt., and where he now resides. He married Abbie Wright, a daughter of Nelson and Mary (Mayo) Wright, who were residents of Colchester, Vt. They have had a family of five children born to them, Fred A., Mary L., Marcus N., Charles S., and Grace M.
CASWELL, Seymour A., Williston, was born in Huntington, Vt., on March 30, 1826. He is a farmer and owns a farm consisting of 240 acres ; also has a dairy of forty cows. He was a son of David and Anne (Snyder) Caswell. His paternal grandfather, David Caswell, was a native of Tinmouth, Vt., and was among the first settlers in Huntington, Vt., where he lived and died. He had a family of nine children, Sally, Hannah, Phebe, Daniel, David, Fanny, Melinda, Polly, and Betsey. David Caswell jr. had a family of eight children, Sally, Harry, Nancy, Hester, Seymour Ambler, Harriet, Seymour A., and Maria. Seymour A. Caswell's maternal grandfather was Jacob Snyder, who was a native of Pittstown, N. Y. and an early pioneer of Huntington, Vt. His paternal great-grandfather, Ezra Caswell, was an early pioneer of Milton, Vt. Seymour A. settled in Williston, Vt., in 1863. He was married in 1857 to Susan Gove, a daughter of John and Ruth (Bedee) Gove. They have had three children born to them, Clarence D., Flora A., and Willie.
CHAPMAN, George A., Williston, is a farmer and dairyman and was born in North Cavendish, Vt., on February 18, 1811. He was a son of Jonathan and Polly (Adams) Chapman. He was educated in his native town and came to Williston, Vt.. in 1840. He removed to Jericho in 1842, where he resided till 1865, when he removed to Williston, Vt., again, and settled on the farm which he now owns and occupies. He was married in 1836 to Mary L. Wright, a daughter of Abraham and Hannah (Dunham) Wright, who were among the pioneers of Williston, Vt. To this marriage was born one daughter and two sons. The daughter and one son are not living now. They left no children. The other son, Marvin W. Chapman, was married twice. His first wife was Lucy A. Thomson, and his second wife was Lucia B. Johnson, a daughter of John and Lucy (Crane) Johnson, by whom he had one child, Lucian Paul. George A. Chapman is a prominent farmer of Williston, Vt., occupying a farm of 336 acres.
CILLEY, Alvin W., Essex, is a farmer and was born in Underhill. Vt., on July 17, 1854. He was married in 1879 to Amanda Ellis, a daughter of Joseph and Betsey Ellis, of Essex, Vt. To them have been born one child, Arthur J. Alvin W. was a son of Walter H. and Caroline (Choate) Cilley. His paternal grandfather was Richard Ciiley, who was from New Hampshire and settled in Underhill, Vt., in 1825, where he resided until the time of his death. He had a family of four children, Walter H., Joseph. Emily and Eliza. Of these children Walter lived in Underhill, Vt., until 1866, when he removed to Essex, Vt He had a family of five children, Doctor Frank, Alice, Alvin W., Fred and Albina. Alvin W.'s maternal grandfather was John Choate, who was a native of New Hampshire and a pioneer in Underhill, Vt.
CLARK, Hiram A., Williston, is a farmer, and was born in Williston, Vt., on August 31, 1836. He now occupies the old homestead which was owned by Thomas Chittenden, who was the first governor of Vermont He represented his town in the Legislature in 1880 and 1881. He was married in October, 1863, to Juliatte Smith, a daughter of Benjamin F. and Eunice (Boardman) Smith, of Colchester, Vt He has had four children born to him, Marvin, Flora, Belle, and Frank. Hiram A. Clark was a son of Wright and Priscilla (Wright) Clark, who settled in Williston, Vt., in 1830. His father was twice married. His first wife was Lucy Hinkley, by whom he had three children: Justus, Philo, and Emily. His second wife was Priscilla Wright, a daughter of Elisha Wright, who settled in Williston Vt, in 1795. By his second marriage he had a family of seven children born to him: Aurill, Jason, Mary, Hiram A., Paul, Sarah, and Marvin. Wright Clark died in 1866, aged eighty years.
CLARK, Homer, Charlotte, East Charlotte p. o., was born in New Milford, Conn., in February, 1802, and died in Charlotte, Vt, in November, 1879, where he settled in 1823. He was married in 1827 to Elvira Baldwin, a daughter of Ely Baldwin. She was born in New Milford, Conn., in 1808, and came to Charlotte, Vt., in 1823 and resided with her uncle, Amos Clark, until her marriage. They had a family of thirteen children born to them, eight of whom are now living, Caroline, now Mrs. E. S. Powell; Vienna, now Mrs. C. W. Read, Harriet; Martha A., now Mrs. Q, A. Foote: George (married Sarah Woorster); Jane, now Mrs. L. C. Prindle ; Jay A., married Susan I. Foote; and Brayton J. (married Hattie Storrs; they have had two daughters born to them, Frances E. and Cora E., Brayton J. is a farmer and was a selectman in 1885. The five who are dead are Eli B., Paulina, Erasmus D., Mary E., and Flora E. Elvira Clark is now the oldest and only living resident of East Charlotte who resided there in 1823. Homer Clark was a son of Joseph Clark, of Connecticut, and Amos Clark, who was an early settler, was a brother of Joseph Clark, Homer resided with Amos Clark until after his marriage. He purchased the Clark homestead about 1830, where his life was spent George A. Clark, a son of Homer Clark, enlisted on the nine months call, served about a year, and was discharged in 1861.
CLARK, Jay A., Hinesburg, East Charlotte p. o., was born in Charlotte, Vt., in 1848. He was married in 1877 to Susan L Foote, of Charlotte, Vt. They have had a family of three children born to them, Carrie E., Homer F., and Fay E. Susan was a daughter of Charles P. and Lucy A. (Barton) Foote. She was born in Charlotte, Vt., and was a daughter of William S. Barton. Charles died in 1884, and his wife, Lucy A., died in 1881. They had a family of three children born to them, Wilbur, William S., and Susan I. Charles P. was a son of Gideon Foote, who settled in this county in 1800. Jay A. Clark was a son of Homer and Elvira (Baldwin) Clark. He was born in New Milford, Conn., in February, 1802, she was born in the same place in 1808. They were married in Charlotte, Vt, in 1827, where Homer settled in 1823. They had a family of thirteen children born to them, eight of whom are now living, Caroline, Vienna, Harriet, Martha A., George (enlisted on nine months' call and served in the 14th Vermont Regiment in 1862), Jane. Jay A, and Brayton J. Homer died in November, 1879. He became a leading and successful man of his town, holding many of the town offices. He purchased his large farm, which is now in the hands of his widow and family. Elvira was a daughter of Eli and Anne (Gunn) Baldwin. They were natives of New Milford, Conn. Elvira came to Charlotte, Vt., to live with her uncle, Amos Clark, in 1823, with whom she resided until her marriage, and ever after performed acts of kindness to her uncle, which continued until his death, which occurred in 1842; as he had no family she filled the place of a daughter to him.
CONANT, Henry, Colchester, Winooski p. o., was born in Roxbury, Mass., on October 4, 1832. He was a son of Henry and Cynthia (Scott) Conant, At the age of fifteen years he went to sea, and followed the occupation of a sailor up to 1855, after which he worked at the coopers' trade until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in the U. S. navy on May 7, 1865, and while doing duty on board ship in 1864 he sustained a fracture of the fibula, from which he has suffered ever since. He settled in Winooski, Vt., in 1869, where he has been in the employ of the Burlington Woolen Company, and has been foreman of the wool-sorting department since 1877.
COOK, Charles B., Charlotte, was born in Charlotte, Vt., in 1814. He is a general farmer and now owns and occupies the old Cook homestead, which was purchased in 1825. He has been selectman, assessor, overseer of the poor, and represented his town in 1853 and 1854. He was married in 1836 to Harriet M. Breakenridge, of Charlotte, Vt. She died in 1841. He married his second wife, Mary A. Callender, in 1864. She was horn in Northfield, Mass., in 1828. They have had three children born to them, Mary C, Charles D., and Pearl Charles B. was a son of David and Hannah (Beach) Cook. He was born in Litchfield county, Conn., January, 1781, and she was born in the same county in June, 1781. They were married in 1806, and settled in Charlotte, Vt, the same year, where David engaged in business as a farmer. He purchased the Cook homestead, which is one-half mile from the station, in 1825, where he died in 1857, and she in 1870. They had a family of three children born to them, Mary, now the widow of Mr. Barker; Charles, born in 1814, and married Harriet M. Breakenridge; and Harriet P., born in 1816.
COREY, Russell A., Hinesburg, was born on March 4, 1848, in Hinesburg, Vt. He purchased the town custom and flouring mill in 1876, which was built by Murray & Patrick. He ran this mill for five years, and now rents the same, and gives his attention to general farming and Stockraising. He was lister of the town in 1885. He was married in 1871 to Lovinia Fish, who was born in Eden, Lamoille county, Vt., in 1847. She was a daughter of Clark and Olive Fish. Russell and Lovinia have had a family of four children born to them, Clark F., born in 1872; Amos J., born in 1874; and twins, Homer R. and Herbert C, born in 1879. Russell A. was a son of Amos J. and Edith (Russell) Corey. She was horn in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1828, and died in 1881. Amos J. was horn in Eden, Lamoille County, Vt., in 1824, and died on December 3, 1866. They had a family of three children horn to them, two of whom are now living, Russell A. and Chester, born in 1850. Edith (Russell) Corey was a daughter of Charles and Huldah Russell, who came from Rhode Island and settled in Hinesburg, Vt They had a family of eleven children horn to them, two of whom are now living, Elizabeth and Hiram.
DEAN, Joshua M., Charlotte, North Ferrisburgh p. o., was born in Lincoln, Vt, in 1823. He purchased his farm in Charlotte of his father in 1853, where he now resides. He was justice of the peace for sixteen years, selectman for two years, and is now a director of the National Bank of Vergennes. He was married in 1845 to Lucy Miles, who was born in England in 1819. They have had two sons born to them, William Henry, who married Eliza Newton, of New York, and is now residing in Ferrisburgh, Vt, and James Richard, who married Alma Collins, of Monkton, Vt, and is now living and managing the home farm of 260 acres with his father. Lucy Dean was a daughter of Henry and Mary Miles, who were born in England, and settled in Monkton, Vt in 1843, where they died in 1885, at the age of ninety years. Joshua M. was a son of William and Lydia (Meade)Dean. She was born in New Hampshire on December 28, 1794, and died on October 18, 1851. He was born in Monkton, Vt, on May 13, 1795, and died in Ferrisburgh on June 1. 1874. They were married on September 23, 1819, and had a family of four children born to them, Eliza H., Joshua M., Sarah B., and William L.. who is now a clergyman of the Society of Friends, and pastor of a church in Batavia, N. Y. William Dean was a son of James and Sarah (Bates) Dean, natives of Connecticut, who settled in Monkton, Vt, about 1792, hut soon removed to Lincoln, Vt, where James died in 1802, and was the first white man buried in that town. His wife died in New Haven, Vt, in 1860. William Dean came to Charlotte, Vt, from Lincoln in 1825, and settled on the homestead farm now owned by his son Joshua.
DEAVITT, Henry N., Colchester, Winooski p. o., is an attorney, and was born in Richmond, Vt, on March 18, 1842. He was a son of Samuel and Adeline (Preston) Deavitt His father was a native of Troy, N. Y. His maternal grandfather, Noah Preston, was of English descent, and was among the pioneers of Richmond, Vt Henry N. Deavitt was reared in Richmond, Vt, and Boston, Mass. He began the study of law in 1862 in the office of Luther Henry, of Waterbury, Vt In December, 1863, he entered the office of Jeremiah French, in Burlington, Vt, with whom he remained until August 17, 1864, when he enlisted in Co. A, 1st Vt. Cavalry, and was honorably discharged on June 15, 1865. He entered the Albany Law School in September, 1865, and in December, 1866, he entered the law office of Judge Redfield, of Montpelier, Vt, with whom he remained until the March term of court in 1867, when he was admitted to the bar, and has been in active practice ever since. He settled in Winooski, Vt, in 1884, and now practices in all of the courts.
DENHAM, James, Shelburne, was born in the Province of Quebec, Canada, in 1834. He settled in Shelburne, Vt, in 1852, in the employ of the Champlain Transportation Company as a machinist, and soon after became a master mechanic. He remained in the employ of this company until 1883, when he was appointed chief engineer, a position which he resigned in the fall of 1884. He was appointed U. S. local inspector of steamboats of the district of Burlington, Vt, in 1881, resigned the office in the summer of 1886, and purchased the property in Shelburne Falls known as the grist-mill and saw-mill, and owns and operates the same at the present time. He was married in 1860 to Sate Stuart, who was born in Rockburn, Province of Quebec. She died in 1867, leaving three children, James T., Jessie S., and Kate S. James then married his second wife, Mary Cain, of Rockburn, Province of Quebec, on June 16, 1869. They have had a family of nine children born to them, Ada, Fred, Maud, Florence, Gertrude, George, Ernest, Stuart, and Lois. James Denham was a son of George and Elizabeth (Rutherford) Denham, who were born and married in Edinburgh, Scotland. They settled in Canada in 1832. George died in Montreal, Canada, and Elizabeth died in Leith, Scotland, leaving a family of two sons and four daughters.
DODGE, William H., Charlotte, was born in Shrewsbury, Vt, in 1859. He was brought up on the farm, and at an early age started in life as a clerk, after which he was engaged as a brakeman on the Central Vermont Railroad, where he lost his right arm while performing his duties in 1785. He was soon after put in charge of important positions of trust, which he now occupies. He was appointed general ticket, telegraph, express, and station agent, at Charlotte, Chittenden county, Vt, in 1877. He is now largely engaged in the culture or bees, and is the second largest producer in the State, having four large yards. He was a son of Oliver and Lodusky (Shippu) Dodge. They had a family of three sons born to them, Herman 0., William H., and Frank L. Oliver was born in Canada, Province of Quebec, in 1809, and came to Shrewsbury with his father, John Dodge, in 1812, after which he became a successful farmer, and now owns a farm of 200 acres in Wallingford, Vt
DUNLAP, George, Westford, was a native of Massachusetts, and came to Westford, Vt., during his boyhood. He married Eunice Farnsworth, a daughter of Joel Farnsworth, by whom he had a family of two children ; Sarah, the eldest daughter, married Alfred G. Varney. Others of the family still reside in Westford, Vt, and are a highly respected family. George Dunlap died in January, 1871. His wife, Eunice, died in February, 1870.
DOUGLAS, S. S., Williston, is a farmer in Williston, Vt, and was born in Louisville, St Lawrence county, New York, on June 9, 1811. He was a son of Daniel and Sarah (Messenger) Douglas. His father was a native of Chelsea, Vt, and settled in Williston in 1817, where he lived and died, his death occurring at his son Sheldon's home in 1883, in the ninety-fifth year of his age. His wife (Sarah Messenger) died six years before him, in her ninety-first year. They had a family of seven children, Seth Sheldon, Cynthia, Cassius (deceased), Milo, Henry (deceased), Louise and Maria. His maternal grandfather was Roderick Messenger, who was an early pioneer in Jericho, Vt, coming with Governor Thomas Chittenden. His paternal grandfather was Ivory Douglas, one of the first settlers of Chelsea, Vt S. Sheldon Douglas has always resided in Chittenden county Vermont. In 1835 he purchased a farm of 500 acres in Jericho, Vt, known as the Noah Chittenden farm, 300 acres of which was woodland, consisting largely of pine. In 1841 he changed with Rufus Bishop for a dairy farm of 300 acres in Hinesburg, Vt, and in 1845 purchased an additional 200 acres. In 1854 he sold his Hinesburg farm, and bought a farm of 300 acres in Williston. In 1871 he sold out to his son William, and bought a farm of 106 acres, where he now resides. He has been twice married. His first wife was Mary Ann Brownell, a daughter of Samuel and Zeruah (Forbes) Brownell, of Williston, Vt, and by whom he had four children, William B., Nelson J., Daniel, and Mary Z. His second wife was Miranda (Fay) (Pine), a daughter of Safford and Rhoda Fay, of Richmond, Vt His children are all deceased but William B., who resides on the old farm in Williston.
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