Personal Paragraphs of Chittenden County
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Personal Paragraphs Index
JEWETT, John, Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a druggist and manufacturer of patent medicines. He was born in England on December 5, 1836. He learned the trade of finisher of worsted dress goods and examiner of fine woolens in his native country, and emigrated to the United States in 1857. There he worked at his trade in Lawrence, Mass., until 1878. when he removed to Winooski, Vt., where he worked in the Burlington woolen mill as cloth examiner until 1885, when he went into his present business, and now has an extensive trade.
JOHNSON, Horatio S., a farmer, and was born in Williston, Vt., on October 22, 1841. He was a son of Dan and Sarah (Marshall) Johnson. His paternal grandfather, Nathan Johnson, and his great-grandfather, Dan Johnson, were early settlers in Williston, and his maternal grandfather was an early pioneer in Hinesburg, Vt. Horatio S. Johnson was born and brought up in Williston, Vt., and married Alice C. McEwen, a daughter of Augustus and Bolina (Palmer) McEwen, of Hinesburg, Vt
JOHNSON, Dan, Williston, is a farmer, and was born in Williston, Vt., on December 26, 1817. He was a son of Nathan and Polly (Bennett) Johnson. His paternal grandfather was Dan Johnson, who was a native of Windham, Conn., who settled in Williston, Vt, in 1787, on the farm now owned by John Johnson, which he cleared and improved himself, and on which he resided until the time of his death. His children were Nathan and Anna (now Mrs. Uriah Stevens). At the death of his father Nathan came into possession of the homestead, where he resided until his death. He had a family of five children - William, Dan, John, Mary, and Myron. Dan Johnson was born and brought up in Williston, Vt., and settled on his present farm of 216 acres in 1854. He was married in 1839 to Sarah Marshall, a daughter of Lewis and Mary (Mead) Marshall, of Hinesburg, Vt. They had a family of eight children born to them - Horatio S., Nathan, Henry, Leonard, William B., Sarah J. (Mrs. Alfred Reed), Luella (Mrs. George Perry), and Maria.
JOHNSON, William B., Essex, Essex Junction p. o., was born in Jericho, Vt., November 4, 1849 He was a son of Dan and Sarah (Marshall) Johnson. His paternal grandfather, Nathan Johnson, and his great-grandfather, Dan Johnson, were from Windham county, Connecticut, who settled in Williston, Vt., in 1787. His maternal grandfather was Lewis Marshall, a pioneer of Hinesburg, Vt. William resided in Williston until 1879, when he settled in Essex Junction and embarked in his present business, that of custom grinding, and also dealing wholesale and retail in all kinds of feed and grains. He was married on January 29, 1873, to Lena Marshall, an adopted daughter of Leonard A. Marshall, of Williston, Vt. They have had three children born to them--Dan M., Alice, and Hattie.
JONES, Jabez, Richmond, was the first of an afterwards popular family of that name that located in Richmond, Vt. He came about the year 1790 and settled on the farm where Albert Town now resides, then two hundred acres in extent. Edward Jones, a brother of Jabez, came some years later, about 1798, his wife riding on horseback carrying Lucia, their infant child, in her arms. Lucia subsequently married Gillett, father of Henry Gillett. esq., of Jonesville, Vt. Edward Jones and his wife were the parents of nine children. Ralph, the second child, married Polly Caswell, who now is living at the advanced age of eighty-five years. Edward Ralph, son of Ralph, married twice. His first wife was Julia Ann Buell, a daughter of Ebenezer Buell, of Huntington, Vt. The children of this marriage were Martha and Jennie, and two others, who died unnamed. His second wife was Susan Wyman, by whom he had one child. Bertha N., who is the only one of his children now living. In 1849 Edward R. went to California, and while there was one of the famous vigilance committee of 1856. In politics he was associated with the Republican party. In church affairs he favors the Universalists.
JUBELL, Frank, Winooski, is a moulder in the firm of Edwards, Stevens & Co., and was born in Henryville, Canada, on July 4, 1837, and was a son of Louis Jubell. He settled in Winooski, Vt, in 1852, where he learned the moulder's trade and became a partner in the business of Edwards, Stevens & Co., in 1871. He has acted as foreman of the moulding department since 1865.
KEELER, Milo, Essex, is a farmer and was born in Essex, Vt., on the farm which he now owns and occupies, on September 1, 1812. He was » son of Samuel and Polly E. (Castle) Keeler. His paternal grandfather, James Keeler, was a native of Lenox, Mass., and was among the pioneers of Essex, Vt., settling on the farm which is now owned by C. H. Nichols, which he cleared and improved himself, and on which he resided until the time of his death. His children were Samuel, Polly, Rachel, Lydia, John and James. Of these children Samuel settled on the farm which is now occupied by Milo Keeler, in Essex, Vt. He had a family of three children - Milo, Polly G. and Elizabeth E. Mr. Keeler has always resided on the homestead. He was married, on September 4, 1836, to Lucia Pierce, a daughter of Solomon and Polly (Farnsworth) Pierce, of Richmond, Vt, They have had a family of twelve children born to them-Cornelia D., Cassandra D., Samuel. Mary, Ellen, Florence, Julia. Amelia, Noah T. (deceased), Estella, James F. (deceased) and Martha, His maternal grandfather was Abel Castle, and was among the early pioneers of Essex, Vt.
KEELER, Samuel, Essex, was born in Essex, Vt, on October 16, 1840. He is a farmer and was born and brought up in Essex, Vt. He has resided on the farm which he now occupies since 1860. He was married in 1865 to Mary E. Castle, a daughter of Pearl L. and Eliza (Cilley) Castle, of Essex, Vt., and to them have been born one child, Pearlie L. C. Samuel Keeler has served as selectman for three years. He was a son of Milo and Lucia (Pierce) Keeler. His paternal grandfather, Samuel Keeler, was among the pioneers of Essex, Vt., and his maternal grandfather was Solomon Pierce, who was also a pioneer of Richmond, Vt
KELLY, Michael F., Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a farmer at Winooski Park, Vt., and was born in County Limerick, Ireland, on September 29, 1836. He was a son of Michael and Mary (Welch) Kelly. His father came to America in 1845 and settled in Burlington, Vt. Michael F. Kelly was brought up and educated in Burlington, Vt., where he learned the trade of carriage making. He was in the employ of the Fletcher family, of Burlington, Vt., for thirty-three years. He was engaged in fanning in Charlotte, Vt., in 1876, and settled on his present farm in 1882, where he has since resided. His farm consists of one hundred and sixty acres. He is a large breeder of Jersey and Dover cattle, registered in American herd book. He was married in September, 1885, to Anna Quinn, of Burlington, Vt. He enlisted the 8th of April, 1862, in the United States army, served as corporal of ordnance, attached to Co. B, 5th Regt. U S. Artillery, commanded by Captain H. A. Du Ponts, and served to the end of the war.
KENYON, Ovett A., Hinesburg, was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1847. He was married in 1873 to Malona H. Andrews, who was born in Essex, Vt., in 1849. They have had one daughter horn to them, Flora N. Ovett A. Kenyon was a son of Norman (born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1812) and Alzina (Curtis) Kenyon, born in Essex, Vt, in 1821, and married in 1841. They had three children born to them-Mercy A. (born in 1841, married Justice Stokes in 1863; have had three children born to them), John G. (born in 1843 and died in 1864), and Ovett A. (born in 1847). Alzina (Curtis) Kenyon was a daughter of Gideon and Hannah (Stimson) Curtis. Hannah was born in Salem. Mass., in 1788, and Gideon was born in Woodbury, Conn., in 1769. They were married in Essex, Vt., in August, 1816. They had six children born to them - Stephen, John, Alzina, Lucinda, Esther and Lois, and by his first wife, Rebecca Hardy, he had ten children, and of these sixteen children four are now living - Stephen, Alzina, Lucinda and Lois. Gideon Curtis was a Revolutionary soldier. He enlisted at the age of thirteen years, and at the close of the war received a pension of ninety-six dollars yearly. Norman Kenyon was a son of Giles and Polly (Palmer) Kenyon, whose father was among the first settlers of Hinesburg. She was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1786, and Giles was born in Sterling, Conn., in 1784. lie died on September 23, 1879, and she died on September 25, 1879, and were both buried in the same grave on the same day, aged respectively ninety-three and ninety-five years. They were married in 1805 and had nine children born to them, eight of whom are now living-Heman, Mandana, Norman, Ursula, Grant P., Robert, Helen and Ellen (who are twins).
KENYON, Samuel, Richmond, was born in Rhode Island and came to this county at the early age of fourteen years. He married Polly Bronson, a daughter of Asa Bronson, an early pioneer. Their children were Currence, Barzilla S., Samuel and Thomas. Barzilla married Demaris Thompson, a daughter of Josiah Thompson. Their children were Cynthia, Maroia, Mary, Berthia, Ada L., Lillie S. and Asa B. With the exception of three years, which he spent in California, Barzilla S. has spent his life on the farm at Richmond, Vt, and during that time has held many of the offices of the town in which he resides.
LA FOUNTAIN, Charles, Colchester, Winooski p. o., was born in Canada on November 2, 1822. He was a son of Peter and Emeline Lafountain, who settled in Winooski, Vt., in 1826. He was educated in Winooski, Vt., Troy, N. Y., and also in New York city, in 1846 he went into the mercantile business, which he followed more or less for eleven years. He was married twice. His first wife was Maria Lambert, a daughter of Augustine Lambert, of Troy, N. Y. They had a family of eleven children born to them, Sarah, William, James, Edward, Alphonso, Joseph, Lewis, George, Charles, Eugene, and Estella. His second wife was Sarah Russell, a daughter of Benjamin Bonta, and widow of John Russell. She had two children by her first husband, William and John J. Russell. Mr. Lafountain has held nearly all of the offices in his town, and represented the same in the Legislature in 1874 and 1875.
LAVIGNE, Joseph W., Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a grocer, and was born at St. Thomas, Canada, July 23, 1844. He was a son of Henry and Frances (Bossolee) Lavigne, who came to Chittenden county, Vt., in 1848, and settled in Williston, where the father engaged in brick making. They remained there until 1861, when they removed to Winooski, Vt. His children were Joseph W., Moses, Henry, Sarah, Philla, Louisa, and Mary. Joseph W. Lavigne worked at the brick making business up to 1882, when he engaged in his present business, that of a grocer, and has now a very successful business. He has been married twice. His first wife was Frances Desautels, of Winooski, Vt., by whom he had a family of three children, Joseph H., Helen, and Archie. His second wife was Mary A. Shonion, a daughter of John Shonion, of Milton, Vt., and by whom he has had four children, Lillie, Luke, Lizzie, and George. Mr. Lavigne has been a member of the school board of Winooski for twelve years in succession.
LE CLAIR, Francis, Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a brick manufacturer and real estate dealer, and was born at St. John-the-Baptist, Canada on August 5, 1818. He was a son of Francis and Louisa (Prevey) Le Clair, who came to Chittenden county, Vt, in 1828, and settled in Winooski, Vt. Francis Le Clair came to Winooski, Vt., when ten years of age, and there he received a limited education. He engaged in the general mercantile business in 1841, a business in which he continued up to 1844. He embarked in the manufacture of brick in 1860. a business in which he is still interested, and now turns out about two millions of brick annually. He has erected as many as fifty brick buildings in Winooski, Vt.. and also in Burlington, vt he has been engaged in the real estate business since 1849, and has held many of the town offices of trust, most of the local offices, and represented his town in the Legislature in 1880-82 and 1884.
LEET, Eugene F. Essex, Essex Junction p. o., is proprietor of the Central House, and was born in Claremont, N. H., on December 11,1846. He was a son of James and Lucy (Maynard) Leet, and was brought up in Claremont, N. H. He enlisted on September 5, 1861, in Co. E, Second New Hampshire Regiment, and was honorably discharged August 9, 1862. He re-enlisted in the spring of 1863, in Co. B, Twenty-first V. R. Corps, and participated in the battle of Williamsburgh, where he was wounded in the jaw on May 5, 1862; was also at Fair Oaks, Savage's Station, Malvern Hill, where he was wounded on July 2, 1862, in the left knee; was at the Peninsula engagement, and also participated in other battles. He was honorably discharged on August 10, 1865. He settled at Essex Junction, Vt, in May, 1884, where he has since resided and carried on the Central House.
LEWIS, Carlisle, Charlotte, was born at Poultney, Vt, on May 12; 1826. He was lister three terms, treasurer of the town, and held many other minor and district offices. He married Louise R. Williams, who was born in Poultney, Vt on March 7, 1833. They have had eight children born to them, Mary L. (married H. Burr Palmer in February, 1876), John A. (married Carry Pease in 1878), Frank A. (married Clara Palmer in December, 1877), Sarah A., Fannie E., Solon A., Bert R., and Carl F. Louise (Williams) Lewis was a daughter of Alpheusand Laura (Powell) Williams, who were born in Lanesboro, Mass. They settled in Charlotte, Vt, in 1836, and had a family of twelve children born to them, five of whom are now living, Jeremiah, Louisa, Corolinc, Myron, and Milo. Bingham was a son of Alpheus Williams, who died leaving a family of six children. Alpheus died June 11, 1873, aged seventy-seven years, and his wife Laura died August 24, 1863, aged sixty-four years.
LYON, John H., Colchester, is a farmer, and was born in Colchester, Vt, April 4, 1840. He is a son of John and Submit (Olin) Lyon. His paternal grandfather, Ebenezer Lyon, was a native of Canterbury, Conn, who settled in Westford, Vt, in 1797, and in 1798 came to Colchester, where he resided until the time of his death in 1843. His children were John, George, Charles, Lois, Susan, Ebenezer F., Abel, Abisha M., Harriet, and Deborah; of these children, John was born in Colchester, April 6, 1799, and still resides in the town. He was twice married ; his first wife was Sylvia Wolcott, a daughter of Ebenezer Wolcott, of Colchester, Vt. His second wife was Submit Olin, of Westford, Vt, by whom he had four children, Sylvia, Moseley R., John H.. and Ellen J. They are all living. John H. Lyon served as a soldier in the late War of the Rebellion, in the Thirteenth Regiment Vt Vols., and participated in the battle of Gettysburg, under General Stannard, He has been twice married; his first wife was Mary A. Day, of Essex, Vt. Their children were Thaddeus D., Moseley G., Pearl, Grace, Ethel D., two of whom are living. His second wife was Clara E. Bliss, of Colchester, Vt To them have been born two children, Florence and Stuart
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