Personal Paragraphs of Chittenden County
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Personal Paragraphs Index
MACRAE, William B., Colchester, Winooski p.o., is a farmer, and was born in Huntley, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, June 20, 1823. He was a son of Christopher and Jeanette (Bedford) MaCrae. He came to the United States in 1846, and settled in Boston, Mass., where he followed the business of florist and real estate dealer up to 1872, when he came to Colchester, Vt, and settled on the farm which he now occupies, and which he previously occupied as a summer residence since 1861. His farm comprises about two hundred acres, most of which he has reclaimed from waste land. He has a dairy of forty cows, and is a breeder of Jersey cattle. His wife was Lois Ferrin, a daughter of Amicah and Lucinda (Conant) Ferrin, who were natives of Holland, Orleans county, Vermont Mr. MaCrae has had a family of six children born to him, Jennie, Lena, Lottie, Frank W., Hattie, and Fannie.
MACOMBER, Daniel H., Essex, is a merchant, and was born in Chesterfield, Mass., July 25, 1828. He was a son of Edmund and Elizabeth (Trow) Macomber. His paternal grandfather, David Macomber, was born at Easton, Mass., September 25, 1752. He married Katharine Littlefield, of Bridgewater, Mass., in the year 1781, and moved to Chesterfield, Mass., where were born to them twelve children between the years 1782 and 1804. Seven of these children, to wit-Daniel, David, Jacob, Cyrus, Edmund, Hervey, and Rebecca- settled in Westford, Chittenden county, Vermont, between the years 1800 and 1820. Edmund, who was born September 23, 1792, returned to Chesterfield, Mass., and married Elizabeth Trow, of Cummington, Mass., January 27, 1825. There were born to them three children, two of whom died in infancy, and he died July 25, 1829. His widow married Hervey Macomber in the year 1831, and they settled in Westford, Vt To them were born two children, Maria E. and John G. Daniel H. Macomber settled at Essex Junction, Vt., in the year 1857, where he engaged in the mercantile business, which he has followed to the present time. He was married March 30, 1854, to Sarah A. Beach, a daughter of Silas S. and Sarah (Ward) Beach, of Westford, Vt They have had two children born to them, Carrol E. and Katie E. Mr. Macomber has always taken an active part in all public affairs, and was representative from Essex, Vt, in the Legislature in the years 1863 and 1864.
MCGREERY, Patrick, Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a real estate dealer, and was born in Pittsburgh, N. Y., March 25, 1850. He was a son of John and Margaret (Christie) McGreery, who were natives of Ireland, and came to America in 1849. They settled in Winooski, Vt., in 1857. Patrick McGreery has been a dealer in real estate for eleven years. He went into the hardware business in 1884, but retired from the same in 1886.
MCDONELL, Alexander, Colchester, Winooski p. o., a foreman at Edwards, Stevens & Co.'s machine shop at Winooski, Vt., was born in Glingary, Upper Canada, on May 1, 1841. He was a son of John and Isabella McDonell, who settled in Winooski, Vt., in 1849. John was a blacksmith by trade, a business which he followed until the time of his death, which occurred in 1874, and was caused by disease which was contracted in the army, while in the service of the Union during the late War of the Rebellion. His children were Alexander, Angus, Mary A., Isabella, Flora, Hannah, Archibald, and John A. Alexander was brought up in Winooski, Vt, from the age of eight years, and learned the machinist trade in the shop of Edwards, Stevens & Co., in whose, employ he has been for twenty-seven years; for five years he has been foreman of their shops. He was married on July 11, 1870, to Anna Mackey, of Abbotsford, Canada East. They have three children now living; George A., Stella I., and Willie A.
MCNALL, Sherman, Colchester, West Milton p. o., is a farmer of Colchester, Vt, and was born in Georgia, Vt, on May 11, 1825. He was a son of Giles and Amanda (Hurlburt) McNall, who settled in Colchester, Vt, in 1834, on the farm which is now occupied by Sherman, and which consists of two hundred acres. His father died in 1867, aged seventy-one years. His first wife, Amanda Hurlburt, was a daughter of Ebenezer Hurlburt, who was a pioneer of Georgia, Vt, and by this wife he had a family of five children: Rodney, Sherman, Melissa, Addison, and Madison. His second wife, Emeline Hill, was a daughter of Lyman Hill, of Georgia, Vt, by whom he had a family of three children : Samantha, Melvin, and Julia, Sherman McNall has occupied the old homestead since 1882. He has been married twice. His first wife was Almira Blush, of Burlington, Vt His second wife was Lavina Hill, a daughter of Lyman and Polly (Wellman) Hill, of Georgia, Vt They have had a family of three children born to them: Chandler, Elroy, and Jesse.
MCNEIL, Henry, Charlotte, was born in Charlotte, Vt., in 1821, He is one of the representative men of his county, whose counsel is sought by many. He is now a retired and successful farmer, and resides near the Four Corners. He was married in 1853 to Ann Hazzard, who was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1831. They have had three children born to them, William H., Edgar H., and Lyman B. William married Julia Smith, of Charlotte, Vt Ann (Hazzard) McNeil was a daughter of David and Sarah (Brooks Rogers) Hazard, of Addison county, Vt. Henry McNeil was a son of Charles and Jerusha (Lyman) McNeil, who had a family of fifteen children born to them, fourteen of whom lived to maturity and ten of whom are now living. Charles was born in Charlotte, Vt, in 1783, and died in 1860; Jerusha was born in 1787, and died in 1864. Charles was a son of John McNeil, who was one of the first settlers in this county. He came here and selected a large tract of land two years previous to moving his family.
MCNEIL, James B., Charlotte, was born in Charlotte, Vt, in 1818. He was married in 1846 to Sarah Hazard, of Ferrisburgh, Vt. They have had five children born to them, three of whom are now living, two having died at an early day. Charles, Frederick, and Sarah are now living. Charles married Mary A. McNeil, Frederick married Charlotte Palmer. Sarah (Hazard) McNeil was a daughter of David and Sarah Hazard, of Addison county, Vt James B. McNeil was a son of Charles and Jerusha (Lyman) McNeil, who were married at Vergennes, Vt, in 1807. They had a family of fifteen children born to them, fourteen of whom lived to maturity, and ten of whom are now living, Fanny, Laura, John, Charles, David, James B., Henry, Jane, William, and Julia. James B. and Henry are the only ones who now reside in the town. Charles McNeil, sr., was born in Bennington, Vt, in 1782, and died in 1860. Jerusha was born in 1787, and died in 1864. Charles was a successor in the early established ferry over Lake Champlain to Essex county, N. Y., and was manager of the large estate left by his father, the Hon. John McNeil, who was one of the first settlers and most prominent men of his time. He was the first town clerk and representative from his town. He came to Vermont in 1788 from Litchfield, Conn., with his parents, who were born in Scotland. John married his second wife, a Miss Breckenbridge, at Bennington, Vt., after which he established the ferry, first by the use of just a log canoe, which after became a noted six-horse ferry.
MAECK, Frederick, jr., Hinesburg, was born in Shelburne, Vt., on February 14, 1640. He represented his town in 1878 and 79, was selectman in 1876-77 and '78, was lister in 1882-83. He is also a general farmer and now owns the old homestead, which is known as the old Marsh farm and which was purchased by them in 1810. He was married on February 10,1864, to Jennie M. Marsh, a daughter of the Hon. Joseph and Mary (Taylor) Marsh, of Williston, Vt. Mary (Taylor) Marsh was a daughter of Gates Taylor. Joseph Marsh was born in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1799. They had a family of three sons and two daughters born to them, two of whom are now living, Jennie M. and Mary Ann (now Mrs. A. A. Byington). Joseph died on November 27,1877, and his wife, Mary T., died on April 19, 1851. Joseph served in the interest of his town with great credit, holding all of the offices, and representing the same in 1831-32 and in 1872-73; was senator in 1839-40, and also in 1835-36; was county judge in 1827, and was one of the founders and organizers of the Congregational Church at Hinesburg, Vt., where he died beloved and honored by all who knew him. Frederick Maeck, jr., was a son of Frederick and Laura (Sicklan) Maeck; she was born in South Burlington, Vt., in 1805, and died in March, 1880. Frederick, sr., was born in Shelburne, Vt., in 1800, and died in August 1869. They had a family of ten children born to them, four of whom are now living, Corence, Mary, Frederick, jr., and John, G. S. Laura married Governor John L. Barstow. She died in 1885, leaving two children,. Frederick M. and Charles L. Frederick, sr., was a son of Frederick and Abigail (Newell) Maeck. Frederick was the first physician in Shelburne, Vt. He came from Connecticut and settled in Vermont at a very early day. He represented his town in 1791, and was a leading man of his town and county. He died on June 30, 1826, aged sixty-one years. They had a family of four children born to them: Frederick, Jacob (was a prominent lawyer at Burlington, Vt., and died there in 1875), Ruby and Newell.
MARSH, Samuel N., Colchester, is a fanner and was born in Jericho, Vt., on March, 20, 1822. He was a son of James and Lucy (Morgan) Marsh. His paternal grandfather, James Marsh, was a native of Connecticut, and was the first settler in Waterbury, Vt He helped build the first dam across the Onion River at Winooski, Vt, and was drowned in the same stream at Richmond, Vt, leaving a large family destitute. James, jr., settled in Jericho, Vt, in 1774, where he was married. He had a family of nine children: Betsey, Henry, Esther, Calvin, Electa, Emily, Lewis, Lemuel and Samuel N. Samuel N. Marsh settled in Colchester, Vt, in 1873. He was married on February 17, 1848, to Emily Field, a daughter of Harvey Field, of Jericho, Vt. They had a family of four children born to them : Emerson, Edith (Emerson aged seventeen years, Edith fifteen years; both died the same year and week in 1868), Edna (now Mrs. R. J. White), and Eugene L., who married Minnie M. Morgan, a daughter of Stephen and Rhoda (Bailey) Morgan, of Colchester, Vt They have had one child, Blanche M.
MAY, Jerome H, Hinesburg, was born in Bristol, Addison county, Vt, in 1849, and settled in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1870, and engaged as a traveling salesman. He embarked in the carriage wagon, sleigh and cutter business in 1879, purchasing his goods for cash and buying large quantities. He was married in 1869 to Eliza Wilcox who was born in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1846, a, daughter of John Wilcox. They have had two children born to them, Nellie E., born in Huntington, in 1874, and Jerome H., jr., born in Waterbury, Vt, in 1877. Jerome H., sr., was a son of Lewis and Orpha (Davis) May, who were natives of Chittenden county, Vt, and now reside in Huntington, Vt They had a family of five sons and two daughters born to them: Horace Sr, Edgar L., George G., Rufus W., Jerome H., Marinda and Minerva. Horace S. enlisted in 17th. Vt Vol., served under General Grant, and was discharged with his regiment
MEECH, Edgar. Charlotte, was born in Shelburne, Vt, on June 20, 1818. He was a gentleman of rare qualities, retiring in his habits, but always ready to contribute to the comfort of the afflicted, but never sought the applause of his friends or acquaintances. He died on February 19, 1885. He was a graduate of the University of Vermont at Burlington, Vt, in 1841, and was married in 1850 to Mary Jane Field, of Springfield, Vt They had five children born to them, Charles E., William F., Mary Elizabeth, Abbie Jennie, and Sarah S. William F. died in 1874 and Abbie J. was married to William K. Sheldon Charles E. was a graduate from Burlington University, Vt, in 1874. Mary J. Meech was a daughter of Salathiel and Lucy (Bragg) Field. Edgar was a son of Ezra and Mary (McNeil) Meech. Mary was a daughter of John McNeil. They had a family of ten children born to them, five of whom are now living, Mary, Jane, James, Ezra and Edgar. Mary (McNeil) Meech died in 1827 ; Ezra then married his second wife, Mrs. Asahel Clark, in 1828; she died in September, 1874, aged eighty-one years. Ezra was born in Connecticut in 1773, and settled in this county in 1785, with his father, Elisha Meech, and family of nine sons and one daughter. Ezra, who dealt largely in furs and was a general merchant, settled in Charlotte, Vt, in 1795? and in 1806 he purchased his homestead farm in Charlotte, Vt, where he died in 1856, owning at that time over 3,500 acres of land. He was engaged in 1810 in the shipping of ship timber to Quebec, and at the breaking out of the War of 1812. They gave him thirty days to close his business and get out, and at the close of the war he again entered into the lumber business. He furnished supplies to the soldiers in the War of 1812, of the American army, as United States agent He represented his county in the Legislature, was a judge of his county, was elected to Congress from his district in 1819, and also two terms after. He was a man of stanch principles, and executive business ability.
METCALF, William J., Williston, was born in Underhill, Vt., on January 21, 1844. He was a son of Thomas and Emily (Story) Metcalf. His father was born in Yorkshire. England, April 16, 1814, and was a son of George and Cecelia (Thompson) Metcalf. He came to the United States in 1832 and settled in Underhill, Vt. His parents joined him two years later at this place. He was married in 1841 to Emily Story, a daughter of David and Laura (Martin) Story, who settled in the town of Underhill, Vt., in 1816. To this marriage were born six children: William J., Ellen, Marilla, Jairus, Sarah and Wesley. He came to Williston, Vt., in 1854 and settled on the farm on which William J. now resides. William J. Metcalf settled on the farm which he now occupies, and which consists of 187 acres, in 1871. He was married on December 21, 1868, to Elizabeth Patchen, a daughter of Ralph and Jeanette (McGregor) Patchen, of South Burlington, Vt. They have had two children born to them, Juna C. and Bertha Jean.
MILES, Dr. John F., Hinesburg, was born in Hinesburg, Vt., January 2, 1820. He attended lectures at the college at Woodstock, Vt., in 1839, and in 1842 attended the same at Castleton, Vt, and in 1865 he graduated from the Burlington, Vt, Medical College. He also received an honorary degree at Dartmouth College in 1843. He settled in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1843, in the practice of his profession, that of medicine and surgery, entering as a partner with his uncle, John W. Miles. They dissolved partnership in 1846, John W. retiring. John F. has carried on the business ever since. He has held many of the town offices, was member of the Assembly in 1862 and 1863, was town clerk and treasurer for sixteen years, notary public and selectman for three terms, and held many of the minor offices. He was married in 1843 to Phydelia Boynton, who was born in Shelburne, Vt, in 1821. They have had four children born to them, Mark B., born November 6, 1843, Charles N., born April 8, 1848, Mary A born June 11, 1853, and Helen J., born November 22, 1860. John F. Miles was a son of Nathaniel and Roxelena (Bishop) Miles. She was born in Hinesburg, Vt, on September 7, 1793, and died on September 8, 1864; Nathaniel was born in New Milford, Conn., on March 31, 1794, and died on February 15, 1864. They were married on December, 19, 1816, and had a family of six children born to them, four of whom are now living: Hannah J., Mary Ann, Doctor John F. and Guy. Helen married Ralph Ray. She died in 1861. leaving two children. Nathaniel was one of the prominent men of his town, representing the same in 1835 and 1836; was selectman for three years from 1850, and held all the minor offices of the town. He was a son of John and Mary Ann (Crane) Miles, who settled in Hinesburg, Vt, about 1800. They came from New Milford, Conn., where Mary Ann was born in 1773; John also was born in the same year, and they were married in 1793. They came here and settled with three children. They had a family of six children in all born to them.
MILES, Dr. John W. Williston, was born in Hinesburg, Vt, on April 14, 1812. He was reared on his father's farm and fitted himself for the medical profession, reading with his brother Carlton. He graduated from the medical college at Woodstock, Vt, in June, 1839, and settled in Monkton, Vt, in 1840 in the practice of his profession, after which he settled in Hinesburg, Vt, where he still resides. He retired from active life, although enjoying a large practice. He was elected by his many friends to represent his town in 1866 and 1867. He was married in 1845 to Sarah Wright, who was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1820. They had two sons born to them, one of whom died at an early age. George C., born on March 17, 1849, married on August 1, 1878, Hattie Richmond. They have had one son born to them, Wright Miles. George now resides at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Sarah was a daughter of Brigham and Urania (Murray) Wright. She was born in Chittenden county, Vt, and he was born in Connecticut. Dr. John W. was a son of John and Mary Ann (Crane) Miles. They were natives of New Milford, Conn., where they were married. They settled in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1800, with three children. They have had six children born to them: Nathaniel, born in 1794, Ransom, born in 1796, Betsey, born in 1798, Hannah J., Carlton E., and John W., who is the only one now living of the family; he was born 1812. Carlton E. was a prominent physician in his town and became a Baptist clergyman. John married his second wife, Mrs. Bethsheba Bates, in 1815. She died on November 13, 1842.
MILLER, Norman E., Williston, a farmer and horticulturist of Williston, was born in Williston, Vt, on July 23, 1830. He was a son of Elisha and Angelina (Munson) Miller. His paternal grandfather, Elisha Miller, sr., was a native of Springfield, Mass., who settled in Williston, Vt, in 1793. He was married twice. His first wife was Lorain Jackson, by whom he had a family of eight children - Elisha, jr., Laura, Marshall, Julia, Sophia, Samuel, Sarah and William. His second wife was Sarah Elliott, by whom, also, he had eight children -Charles E. Alexander, Alexander 2d, Edward C. S., Julius, Lucretia, Albert and Lucretia 2d. Norman E.'s maternal grandfather was John Munson, from Goshen, Conn., who settled in Williston, Vt., in 1797. Elisha Miller, jr., had a family of four children - John H., Norman E., Jackson and Ellen E. Norman E. Miller was married on March 9, 1853, to Mary A. McBirney, of Hinesburg, Vt, a daughter of Alexander and Sarah McBirney, of Edinburgh, Scotland, and to them have been born three children - Ellen E., Samuel H. and S. Louise. He now occupies a tract of land consisting of 347 acres, with his brother Jackson, who was married on October 29, 1856, to Hannah Ferry, a daughter of Miner and Eliza K. Ferry, of Bridport, Vt. They also have had two children born to them, Charlie E. and Laura A.
MINER, James, Hinesburg, was born in Bridport, Vt., in 1805. He commenced his business life in 1826, on the canal, having charge of two boats running from Whitehall, N. Y., to Albany, and in 1827 he engaged in farming, in which he continued until 1842, when he embarked in the mercantile business in Monk ton, Vt., and sold his stock in 1850. In 1851 he purchased a large farm of 500 acres at Hinesburg, Vt., where he settled in 1855, and again embarked in the general mercantile business. He retired from general business life in 1858 and engaged as a capitalist, giving his attention to banking, land and loan interests. He now owns nine farms. He represented his town three terms, was justice of the peace and selectman for several terms, constable, sheriff, town agent, lister, and held nearly all town offices, also holds a lieutenant, captain and major's commission ; was always active in the interest of his town during the late war. He was married in January, 1826, to Alma Wilmarth, of Addison, Vt. She died in 1847, leaving one daughter. Helen A. James then married his second wife. Martha Wells, of Hinesburg, Vt., in 1849. She died in 1877. They had one daughter, M. Alma, who died in 1861, aged nine years; and he then married his third wife, Mrs. Rosamond (Castle) Cole, of Hinesburg, Vt., in 1879. They have had one child born to them, Helen Alma. She had one son by her first husband, Cheney I. Cole. James Miner was a son of William B. and Rebecca (Kendall) Miner. She was born in Enosburgh, Franklin county, Vt. He was born in Bridport, Vt. He died in Illinois in 1839, aged sixty-four years, and she died in Hinesburg, Vt., at the residence of her son, in 1869, aged ninety-one years.
MURRAY, Warham N., Williston, was born in Williston, Vt., on August 18, 1827. He was a son of David A. and Amelia (Noble) Murray. His paternal grandfather. Calvin Murray, was a son of Deacon Beriah Murray, a pioneer of Williston, who settled on the farm which is now occupied by G. W. Whitney, and was a noted hunter in his day. He reared a large family, of whom Calvin lived and died in Williston. lie was a farmer and tanner. His children were Urania, Orrin, David A., Caroline. Mandara, Ruth, Rhoda, Calvin and George B. Of these children David A. was born in Williston. Vt., on March 5, 1802, and died on June 14. 1884. His children were Warham N., Lemuel T., Calvin A., Carrie A., George N., Rollin D. and Maria E. Warham, at the age of twenty-one years, settled in Greensborough, Ga., where he engaged in the mercantile business, which he followed there for twenty years. He returned to Williston in 1868, and in 1870 was elected town clerk and treasurer, which offices he held continuously up to 1886. He was married twice; his first wife was Ellen A. Chittenden, a daughter of Truman A. and Betsey (Rhodes) Chittenden, of Williston, Vt. His second wife was Elizabeth Waldron, a daughter of George and Mary (White) Waldron, of Montreal. They had one child born to them, David A.
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