Personal Paragraphs of Chittenden County
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Personal Paragraphs Index
QUINLAN, John, Hinesburg, was born in Ireland in June, 1812. He came to America in 1837 and settled in Shelburne, Vt., where he worked for Hiram Morse for one hundred dollars per year, and later he and his brother cut wood for Mr. Meech for twenty-five cents a cord, cutting in all about two hundred cords. After this he did farm work for Mr. Meech for several years, and during that time he set out the trees that now ornament the Meech homestead, and also the large pine near the gate. He settled in Charlotte, Vt., in 1844 and embarked m farming for himself in 1851, when he purchased his present homestead of 500 acres, and he now owns in all 1,200 acres of fine land. He was elected member of the constitutional convention of the State in 1872, was elected justice of the peace for eight years, was assessor for three terms, and postmaster of Charlotte for four years, and was member of the Assembly in 1884 and 1885, and held many of the minor offices of the town. He has also contributed largely to the support of the Roman Catholic Church, of which he is an active and honored member. He was married in Shelburne, Vt, in 1839 to Elizabeth Flood, who was born in Ireland. She died in 1855, leaving five sons-Michael, William, John, Matthew, and Thomas. John then married his second wife, Margaret Harney, who was also born in Ireland. They had a family of six children born to them - Mary, Joseph, Kate, Nellie, James, and Frank. John Quinlan was a son of Michael and Bridget (Ryan) Quinlan. They died in Ireland, leaving a family of six sons and two daughters - Michael, Thomas, John, Martin, William, Patrick, Alice, and Mary. Patrick was the only child that did not come to America. He died in Ireland, leaving a widow find five children.
RAY, George R., Hinesburg, was born in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1830, He was selectman three terms; was elected collector two terms. He is now one of the successful farmers of his town. He was married in 1855 to Louisa Love, who was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1831. They have had two sons born to them - Leonard C. (married Helen Miles, a daughter of Dr. J. F. Miles; they have had two children born to them;) and Eddie I. Louisa (Love) Ray was a daughter of Ira and Mary Love. George R. Ray was a son of Calvin and Lovina (Howard) Ray. Calvin Ray was born on April 30,1791, and died on February 20, 1845, and Lovina was born on July 2 1801, and died on April 6, 1841. They were married in 1820. They had eleven children born to them, eight of whom are now living, Mandana, Sidney C, Harmon A., Spencer D., George R., Lizzie M., William W., and Juliette M. Calvin was a son of Wm. and Dorcas (Eddy) Ray, who came from Connecticut and wore about the first settlers in Hinesburg, Vt
RAY, Sidney C Hinesburg, was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1825. He has held many of the town offices; was selectman several terms; lister many years, and represented his town in 1882 and 1883. He now owns and occupies a portion of the old farm purchased by his grandfather upon his early settlement in 1790 in this town. He was married on November 26, 1846, to Lucy Danks, of Hinesburg, Vt, who was born in 1828. They have had four children born to them -Alice L. (married Alva W. Prindle), Addie M., Ella L., Louisa M. (died at an early age), and one adopted son, Howard Ray. Ella L. married Edward A. Severance. Lucy (Danks) Ray was a daughter of Benjamin and Susan (Hoadley) Danks. Benjamin died in 1829, and Susan died in 18138, leaving three children - Hester Ann, Henry S., and Lucy. Sidney C. Ray was a son of Calvin and Lovisa (Howard) Ray. They were born in Hinesburg, Vt; Calvin Ray was born on April 30, 1791, and his wife was born on July 2, 1801; Calvin died on February 20,1845, and his wife, Lovisa, died on April 6, 1841. They had a family of eleven children born to them, eight of whom are now living, and by his first wife Calvin had one son. The eight children now living are Mandana, Sidney C. Harmon A., Spencer D., George R., Lizzie M., William W., and Juliette M. Calvin Ray was' a son of William and Dorcas (Eddy) Ray, who came from Connecticut and were about the first settlers in this town.
REED, Orrin R. Charlotte, Ease Charlotte p. o., was horn in Charlotte, Vt., in 1843. He now owns and occupies the old homestead which was purchased by his father in 1830. He was married in 1872 to Fanny A. Powell, who was horn in Charlotte Vt., in 1852. They have had five children born to them--Orrin P. (born in 1875), Edith E. (born in 1878), George A. (born in 1879), Ina C. (born in 1881), and Clark N. (born in 1883). Fanny A. is the daughter of Edgar S. and Caroline (Clark) Powell. He was born in Charlotte, Vt., in 1824, and she was born in 1831. They were married in 1849. Caroline was a daughter of Homer and Elvira Clark, and Edgar was a son of Reuben and Betsey (Niles) Powell Orrin P. Reed was a son of Orrin and Julia A. (Powell) Reed. She was horn in New York on May 23, 1799, and he was born in Charlotte, Vt., in 1800. They were married on March 28, 1820. They had a family of three children born to them, two of whom are now living-Carlton W. and Orrin P. Orrin, sr., died in 1866 and his wife Julia in 1873. Orrin was a son of Michael and Rebecca Read. Michael was born in Massachusetts in 1769, and both were very early settlers in Charlotte, Vt. They had a family of seven children born to them, only one of whom is now living-Minerva.
REMINGTON, Mitchell F., Hinesburg, was born in Huntington, Vt., in 1839. He settled in Hinesburg, Vt., 1866, and engaged in general farming. He has held many of the offices in his town, was a justice of the peace for six years, selectman for three terms, school commissioner for six years, and many other minor offices. He was married in December, 1860, to Malinda E. Bates, of Richmond, Vt. They have had two children born to them -Herman E. and Edna M. Malinda was a daughter of Elihu and Nancy (Pierce) Bates. Mitchell F. Remington was a son of Philemon and Adaline (Fitch) Remington, who were born in Huntington, Vt, She was born in 1812 and died in 1885; Philemon was horn in 1816 and died on February 26, 1880. They were married in 1837. They had three children born to them - Mitchell F., Annette (married Wyman Brewster), Ansurilla (married Samuel J. Randell). Philemon was a son of Jeremiah and Mary (Ross) Remington. Jeremiah's father, Joshua, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was in Washington's army, and also a pensioner. He was an early settler in Chittenden county, Vt., and died at the age of ninety-eight years.
RHODES, George N., Colchester, Vt, is a farmer of Colchester, Vt, and was born in Colchester, Vt, January 11, 1843. He now occupies the old homestead, which consists of 250 acres. He was a son of Joseph E. and Mindwell (Hine) Rhodes. His father was a native of Thompson, Conn., and was among the early settlers in Colchester, Vt., settling on the farm which is now owned and occupied by George N., a part of which he cleared and improved, and where he resided until the time of his death, which occurred in 1865 at the age of sixty-nine years. He was prominently identified with all public affaire of the town, and represented the same in the Legislature one term. His children were Anna J., William H., Juliaette H., Abbie F., and George N., who grew to maturity. George N.'s maternal grandfather was Simeon Hine, who was among the pioneers of Colchester, Vt.
ROBERTSON, A. R., Colchester, Winooski p. o., a manufacturer of neat's foot oil, bone fertilizer, and a farmer, was born in Guilford, Vt. He was a son of William and Mary (Martin) Robertson. He settled in Colchester, Vt., in 1872, and engaged in his present business. He was in the late War of the Rebellion, enlisting in 1861 in Company B., Fifty-second Massachusetts Regulars. He participated in the battle of Port Hudson and was honorably discharged in 1864.
ROBINSON, Samuel, Richmond, was born in Stamford, Vt., in the year 1810. In early life he removed to Canada, where he resided for fifteen years. He came to Richmond, Vt., about the year 1850, but lived about two years in Bolton, Vt. Mr. Robinson with his son Ransom J. owns and operates the flour and grist-mill in the eastern part of the town. Connected with this is a factory for the manufacture of spokes and general wood turning, which they have operated for about six years. Prior to this they made great quantities of clothes pins. While living in Canada Mr. Robinson married Urana A. Snyder, who bore him six children - Mary A., Ransom J., Emma F., Josie C, Betsey A., and Alvah U. Samuel Robinson is and always has been a conscientious Christian, and a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Commencing a poor boy, he has built up until now he lives comfortably, and enjoys the full confidence of his fellow townsmen.
ROLFE, John M., Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a farmer and was born in Colchester, Vt., on August 16, 1838. He was a son of Jacob and Betsey (Ames) Rolfe. His father was a native of New Hampshire and settled in Colchester, Vt., at a very early day. He was extensively engaged in lumbering and purchased a large tract of land, of which the farm, which is now occupied by John M., was the old homestead. He was also prominent in all public affairs of the town, representing the same in the Legislature three terms. He died in March, 1865, at the age of seventy-two years. He had a family of eight children born to him, Emeline, Sidney B., Harriet L., David J., Maria B., Elizabeth A., John M., and Francis J. Mr. Rolfe was colonel of militia in early years, and participated in the battle of Plattsburgh in the War of 1812. John M. Rolfe has always resided on the old homestead. He was in the late War of the Rebellion, enlisting in Company D, 13th Vt. Infantry, and participated in the battle of Gettysburg. He was honorably discharged after nine months' service. He was married on June 2, 1879, to Ada M. Gray. They have had one son born to them, Harry, Mrs. Rolfe was a daughter of Henry W. and Lodima (Morse) Gray, of Colchester, Vt. Mr. Rolfe has held many of the minor offices of his town and was a member of the Legislature in 1884.
ROOD, Clark A., Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a farmer and was born in Jericho, Vt., on May 7, 1836. He was a son of Hiram and Mary (Sheldon) Rood. Hiram Rood settled in Colchester, Vt, on the farm which is now occupied by Clark A., in 1849, where he resided until the time of his death, which occurred on January 4, 1872, aged sixty-seven years. He had a family of five children who grew to maturity, Mary J., Clark A., Emeline A., Myra L., and Hiram. Mr. Rood was a prominent farmer and a respected citizen of Colchester, Vt. After the death of his father Clark A. came into possession of the homestead, which consists of two hundred and sixty acres, and on which he now resides. He is a breeder of Jersey cattle, also has a dairy of thirty cows and deals largely in hay.
ROOD, Almon D. Essex, Essex Junction p. o., is a millwright and carpenter and was born in Huntington, Vt., on January 12, 1821. He was a son of Giles and Catherine (Snyder) Rood. His father was a native of Brookfield, Vt, and settled in Huntington, Vt, in 1811. He was a farmer by occupation and resided in Huntington, Vt. until the time of his death, which occurred in September, 1854, at the age of seventy-four years. He was married twice. His first wife was Susanna Rood, by whom he had one child, Solomon (deceased). His second wife was Catherine Snyder, a daughter of Jacob and Rebecca (Hart) Snyder, of Pittstown, N.Y., who settled in Huntington, Vt., in 1789. To them have been born two children, Jacob, of Hinesburg, Vt, and Almon. Their mother now resides in Essex Junction, Vt, in the one hundred and third year of her age. Almon settled in Essex, Vt, in 1869. He was married in 1810 to Abigail L. Smith, a daughter of Doctor Enoch A. and Clarissa (Fargo) Smith, of Huntington, Vt Her paternal grandfather was Samuel Smith, who was an early settler in Highgate, Vt, and her maternal grandfather, Samuel Fargo, settled in Huntington, Vt, in 1789, coming there from Tinmonth, Vt.
ROOT, Henry C, Charlotte, was born in Charlotte, Chittenden county, Vt. in 1830. He is an extensive and progressive farmer and is now engaged in the breeding of fine horses and graded cattle. He now owns the old Judge Newell place. He was lister of the town six years, selectman three terms, and held many more of the town offices, He was married in 1851 to Maria L. Wright, of Lawrence, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. She died in August, 1862, leaving a family of three children, Frederick H., Mary L., and William N. Henry C. then married his second wife, Mary P. Beers, of Charlotte, Vt., on September 2, 1863, and she died on July 11, 1885, leaving a family of two children, George H. and Cassius D. Henry C. Root was a son of Noble and Folly (Lowry) Root. They were born in Charlotte, Vt, and married at Vergennes, Vt, in 1823. They had four children born to them, two of whom are now living, George L. and Henry C. Noble was a son of Deacon Gad Root and Elizabeth (Loomus) Root, who were natives of Lanesborough, Mass., and settled in Charlotte, Vt, in 1798. They had a family of two children, Noble and Darwin. Gad was married twice. His second wife was a Miss Hall. He died on October 19, 1843, leaving two children by his second wife, Loomus and Clemma.
RUSSELL, Doctor Charles J., Hinesburg, Vt, physician and surgeon, was born in Bridport, Vt, in 1851. He fitted himself by close application and graduated from the Howard Medical College, at Washington, D. C, in 1882, and settled in Monkton, Vt, in 1883 in the practice of his profession. He settled in Hinesburg, Vt., in the practice of medicine and surgery in 1884, where he is now enjoying a fine practice. He spent some time in Washington, D. C, in the employ of the government as a clerk in the engraving and printing department, and after he graduated practiced in the Freedmen's Hospital at Washington, and although a charitable institution it proved a great benefit to him. He was married in 1883 to Carry B. Lothrop, of Castleton, Vt She was a granddaughter of Dr. Lothrop, of Castleton, Vt Charles J. Russell was a son of James and Sabra Russell. James was born in Lynn, N. Y., and she was born in Bridgport, N. Y. They were married in 1847, and have had a family of one son and five daughters born to them.
RUSSELL, Sydney E., Charlotte, was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., in 1845. He is now the only extensive merchant in this town, and settled in the town of Charlotte, Vt, at the Four Corners in September, 1878. He now deals in all classes of staple goods. He established his second store at East Charlotte, or Baptists Corners, in 1882 and there deals in all kinds of goods. He was married in 1868 to Mary D. Blethen, of Burlington, Vt They have had three children born to them, Stella E., Maude and Mary. Sidney E. Russell was a son of Abraham and Luthera (Russell) Russell. Luthera was born in Hinesburg, Vt, and Abraham was born in Washington county, N. Y. He died in St Lawrence county in 1867, leaving a widow and five children, Sidney E., Ira P. (who is now the popular steward at the hospital at Burlington, Vt), Matilda, George, and Clara.
ROSS, Orrin, Huntington, o£ Leicester, Addison county, Vt., came with his widowed mother to Huntington, Vt, many years ago. He married Eunice Williams, a daughter of John Williams. Their children were Harry, Polly (who married Heman Gillett), Eleanor (who married Otto Palmer), and Sanford. Of these children Harry the oldest, married Abigail Hawley, who bore him three children, Austin, Rosaltha. and Orrin G. Harry Ross has always been a successful farmer and by industry, honesty and prudence has acquired a competence. He has frequently held town offices, and has faithfully adhered to the Whig and Republican party. Mr. Ross is a consistent member of the Free Will Baptist Church, and liberally contributes to its support. Chester was the oldest son, who was married twice. His first wife was Alvira Palmer, his second wife was Laura Pierce. He was a consistent member of the Freewill Baptist Church from his boyhood. He died at the age of sixty-eight; was always a firm supporter of all benevolent enterprises up to the end of his life; was the father of eight children, who are all living but one.
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