Personal Paragraphs of Chittenden County
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Personal Paragraphs Index
SCOFIELD, Levi Leroy, Charlotte, Shelburne p. o.. was born in Charlotte, Vt., in 1852. He was a son of Heman and Laura (Fargo) Scofield. She was born in Huntington, Vt., in 1816, and he was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1818. They were married in 1844. Heman Scofield died on June 27. 1883. They had a family of three children born to them, Daniel A. (enlisted in Co. I and was killed at the battle of the Wilderness and buried on the field), Mira A. (married Henry Benson; he died leaving one daughter, Mira; Mira then married her second husband, William Boardman), and Levy L. Heman settled in Charlotte, Vt, in 1848 and was a son of Daniel and Phebe (Caswell) Scofield. They died in Huntington, Vt, leaving four children. Laura Scofield was a daughter of Jabez, jr., and Anna (Brewster) Fargo, and Jabez, jr., was a son of Jabez Fargo, who was one of the early settlers in Huntington, Vt Two of Jabez, jr.'s, children are now living. Mrs Amanda Nelson and Ezra Fargo. They had a family of six children, all of whom are dead with the exception of these two.
SEVERANCE, George, Colchester, is a farmer and was born in Colchester, Vt, on January 10, 1817. He was a son of Ebenezer and Jerusha (Kilbourn) Severance. His paternal grandfather was Severance, who was a native of Connecticut, who settled in Colchester, Vt, at a very early day and took up the farm which is now owned by George N. Rhodes, cleared and improved the same and resided there until the time of his death, which occurred in 1827. His children were Jane, Samuel, John, George, Mary, Angeline, and Nixen, of whom but three of the youngest are now living. George Severance was brought up in Colchester, Vt., and settled on the farm which he now occupies in 1850. He was married three times. His first wife was Betsey Cook, a daughter of Philip Cook, of Colchester, Vt. His second wife was Eveline Sager, a daughter of Frederick Sager, of Canada, and by whom he had a family of eight children, four of whom are now living, Lillian (now Mrs. Charles McMath, of Kansas), Charles W., Bertrand D., and Angie L. His present wife was Eunice Goddard, widow of Anthony Goddard, of Berkshire, Vt.
SEVERANCE, John, Colchester, is a farmer and was born in Colchester, Vt., on April 9, 1813. He was a son of Ebenezer and Jerusha (Kilbourn) Severance. He was married in 1840 to Harriet N. Fowler, a daughter of Joshua and Eda (Atwood) Fowler, of Colchester, Vt, where they settled in 1839. They have had a family of seven children born to them, Caroline (Mrs, George N. Wright), John M., William H., Ellen, and Mary L. (married Frank Smith on December 14, 1873, and died December 14, 1874). Ellen is now the wife of Mr. Smith. Mr. Severance has held all of the local offices of his town and is a prominent Republican.
SHERMAN, Alfred W., Charlotte, East Charlotte p. o., was born in Charlotte, Vt, in 1825. He has been a justice of the peace for twenty-five years, selectman and lister, and held many of the town and district offices. He was married in 1851 to Lydia Leavenworth, of Charlotte, Vt. They have had three children born to them - Mary A., Lilly L. (who married Frank L. Eastman, in December, 1880; they have had three children born to them), and Alfred L. Mary A. married William Holmes in 1875. They have had five children born to them. Alfred W. Sherman was a son of Leverett and Sarah (Gray) Sherman. She was born in North Dorset, Vt, on March 13, 1796, and died in 1869. She was a daughter of Elijah and Sarah (Dunning) Gray, who settled in Charlotte, Vt, before 1800. Leverett was born in Roxford, Conn., on September 26, 1790. They were married in 1814 and had a family of three children born to them -Polly Ann (born in 1815, married Orlo Baldwin ; she died leaving two sons), Charles H. (born in 1817 and died in 1840), and Alfred W. (born in 1825, and now the only living one). Lydia (Leavenworth) Sherman was a daughter of Abel and Anna (Hickok) Leavenworth, of Charlotte, Vt Abel Leavenworth was born on November 21, 1800, and died in 1879.
SHERMAN, John H.. Charlotte, East Charlotte p. o., was born in Charlotte, Vt., on December 14, 1818. He was a selectman for four terms and overseer of the poor for five terms, and was prominent in establishing a town home for the poor, which the people have a right to be proud of as an institution. He has been one of the representative men of his town. He was married in August, 1843, to Sarah Brigham, of Bakerfield, Franklin county, Vt., where she was born in 1820. She was a daughter of Asa and Sarah (Hardy) Brigham. Sarah was born in Massachusetts and Asa was born in Franklin county, Vt They had a family of ten children born to them, seven of whom are now living - four daughters and three sons. John H. Sherman was a son of William and Harriet (Gray) Sherman. She was born in Charlotte, Vt, in 1797, and he was horn in Roxbury, Conn., in 1793. They were married in 1813 and had a family of four children born to them - Abigail A. (married Miles Hoyt, and died, leaving one son, Sherman), Henry B., John H. and Cynthia. William E. was a successful farmer, owning several hundred acres at the time of his death. He commenced life at the age of twenty-one years, with one dollar as capital. He was a son of John Sherman, who had a family of ten children. John died in Connecticut and his widow came to Charlotte, Vt, with six children -Leverett William K.. Samuel, Polly, Cynthia and Eliza (now Mrs. Eliza Baldwin, and the only one now living). John H. and John Sherman, United States senators, are descendants from this same great-grandfather, who was born in Connecticut
SHONION John, Milton, was born at Varchare, Canada, in the year 1811, and came to Milton, Vt, in 1850. His children were John (who is now in Canada), Mary (who married Joseph Lavigne, of Winooski, Vt), Luther, and Joseph (now are residents of Kansas), Saphronia (now residing in Massachusetts), Agnes (now living in California), Clement, and Leonora (now residents of Milton, Vt), Lucy (resides in Randolph, Vt.), Richard (of Washington Territory), Elizabeth (of Burlington, Vt), and Charles (now residing in Milton, Vt). John Shonion is a successful farmer and dairyman, owning over one hundred acres of well located land in Milton, upon which he has resided for about twenty-three years.
SIBLEY, George W., Colchester. Winooski p. o., is a farmer and was born in Westford, Vt., January 17, 1843. He was a son of John and Nancy (Kellogg) Sibley. His paternal grand-father, Ebenezer Sibley, was a native of Massachusetts and a pioneer of Westford Vt., where he brought up a family of seven children - Edwin, Huldah A., Nancy, John. Silas, Warren and Timothy. John Sibley was a resident of Westford, Vt, for many years, and settled in Colchester, Vt., in 1865. He had a family of six children - Huldah A., Ebenezer K., George W., John N. (deceased), Benjamin R and Hiram B. Mr. Sibley represented the town of Westford, Vt, in the Legislature two years. George W. Sibley settled on the farm which he now owns and occupies in 1865. He was in the late War of the Rebellion, enlisting in November, 1863, in Co. M, 1st Vt. Cav., after which he was promoted to sergeant. He was at Richmond, the battle of the Wilderness, and also filled many other engagements. He has been twice married. He first wife was Mary L. Woodward, to whom he was married in 1865. She was a daughter of Rev. John Woodward, of Westford, Vt To this marriage were born two children - George W. and John (deceased). His second wife was Retteena Saunders, a daughter of Ransom and Lucia E. (Crouch) Saunders, natives of Keene, N. H. To them have been born two children - Annamoe and Elizabeth K.
SMALL, George, Huntington, who was born in Rutland county, Vt, in the year 1785, came with his father to Huntington in 1785. When a young man he married Lucinda Farr, of Huntington, Vt., and by her had a family of five children - Richard L., Daniel B., Myron, Clarissa and Grissa. Of these children Daniel B. married, first, Hannah Bates, by whom he had a family of six boys -George, Harry, Clark, Safford (who died while an infant), Safford F. 2d, and Amos B. His second wife was Elzina (Smith) Baker, widow of Elnathan Baker. Daniel B. is now nearly eighty years of age. He has always been a farmer- an occupation in which he has been reasonably successful. He has always been an ardent supporter of the old Whig and Republican party.
SMALL, Joseph B., Colchester, Winooski p. o., is a retired merchant and was born in Morristown, Vt., on March 10, 1824. He was a son of George and Orpha (Wilkins) Small, and was reared and educated in his native town, and settled in Winooski, Vt, in 1848, where he served as a clerk in a general store for three years, and in 1851 he went into the mercantile business with W. T. Herrick, with whom he was associated for six years. He was alone in business in 1858 and in 1859. He became associated with E. H. Blossom, and did business under the firm name of Small & Blossom. He retired from business in 1865; was postmaster of Winooski, Vt, for eight years under the administrations of Polk and Buchanan. He has also held nearly all the offices in the gift of the town. He was married in 1856 to Sarah Chittenden, a daughter of Truman A. and Betsey (Rhodes) Chittenden, and a granddaughter of Martin Chittenden, who was governor of the State of Vermont in 1813 and 1814. She died in 1863. He had a family of two children - Fred B. and George A., both of whom are now dead.
SMITH, Heman R., Hinesburg, was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1795, and died in 1861. He was one of the leading men of his town. He was married in February, 1822, to Harriet Leonard, who was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1799. Heman R Smith was a son of Morris Smith, who was an early settler in this town. Harriet was a daughter of Amos and Lucy (Meach) Leonard. He was born in Connecticut in 1769 and died in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1863, aged ninety-four years. They had a family of two children born to them - Marvin (born in 1801) and Harriet (born in 1799). Lucy was a daughter of Elisha and Desira Meach. She died on August 12, 1839, aged eighty-three years, and Elisha died on February 5, 1834. The Meaches settled in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1779. Elisha and Desira had a family of nine sons and one daughter. William Leonard was a son of Marvin and Laura (Coon) Leonard. William was born in Hinesburg, Vt, in 1830, and was married in 1850 to Phebe Ann Smith, of Monkton, Vt. They have had one son born to them - Charles A., born in 1862. Mrs. Heman Smith still resides on the old homestead, having no family.
SNYDER, Marvin L., Essex, Essex Junction p. o., was born in Huntington, Vt., on August 24, 1824. He was » son of John and Eunice (Squires) Snyder. His paternal grandfather, Jacob Snyder, was a native of Pittstown, N. Y., and was one of the pioneers of Huntington, Vt He had a family of twelve children : Susanna. Catherine, Jacob, Anna, Hannah, Rebecca, Jonathan, John, Chistina, Sally, Laura, and Sylvester. John Snyder had a family of seven children: Seymour C, Charlotte A., Marvin L. Henry E, Lucy M., Betsey J., and Eliza A. Marvin L.'s maternal grandfather was Ephraim Squires, who was a soldier in the War of 1812 and died in 1813 from the effects of service in the war. His maternal grandmother, Bethinah (Bishop) Squires, died July 3, 1860, at the age of 100 years three months and eleven days. Marvin L. has been married twice; his first wife was Sophia Clark, a daughter of Philip and Lucy Clark, of Pawlet, Vt., and his second wife was Jane H. Latham, a daughter of Jacob and Polly Latham, of Jericho, Vt They have had one child born to them, John L. Mr. Snyder embarked in the marble business in 1860, and settled at Essex Junction, Vt, in 1864, where he has since resided, and where he does a large business in both marble and granite.
STEVENS, Byron, Essex, Essex Junction p. o., is a retired farmer and was born in Essex, Vt, on April 25, 1799. He was a son of Abram and Lucy (Collins) Stevens. His father was a native of Connecticut, and enlisted at the age of fifteen years, under command of Colonel Seth Warner ; went to Quebec and was there at the fall of Montgomery. He was one of the pioneers of Essex, Vt, and was a carpenter by trade, building many of the first houses in Burlington, and also in Essex, Vt. He had a family of eight children : Clarissa (Mrs, Henry Teachout), Alonzo, Carlos, Albert, Byron, Emily, Lucy (Mrs. David Smith), and Abram. Byron Stevens's maternal grandfather, John Collins, was a native of Connecticut, and was a blacksmith by trade, and was also a pioneer of Essex, Vt. Byron Stevens was reared in Essex, Vt, and was married on July 13, 1823, to Mary Yemans, a daughter of Elisha and Jemima (Pelton) Yemans, who were early settlers in Essex, Vt They have had four children born to them : Adeliza (deceased), Mortimer (deceased), Adelaide (now Mrs. George Bliss), and George F. Byron Stevens always look an active part its all public affairs, and represented his town in the Legislature in 1837 and 1838.
STEVENS, Ira, Essex, was horn in Williston, Vt, on August 17, 1809. He is a farmer and was a son of Andrew and Phebe (Lawrence) Stevens. His paternal grandfather was Safford Stevens, a native of Caanan, Conn., who was a captain of a company in the War of the Revolution, and who was also among the pioneers of Williston, Vt, settling there in about 1795. He had a family of eight children: Wealthy, Herald, Florilla, Ariel, Caroline, John, Ira, and Hannah. Ira Stevens was brought up in Williston, Vt, where he remained until reaching his eighteenth year, when he settled in the town of Jericho, Vt, where he learned the trade of tanner and currier, a trade which he followed for twenty years, after which he engaged in farming, a business in which he has engaged in up to 1883. He settled in Westford in 1855, where he remained up to 1883, when he settled in Essex, Vt, where he has since resided. During his residence in Westford he represented his town in the Legislature in 1880 and 1881. He was married in 1836 to Samantha Martin, a daughter of Captain James and Hannah (Campbell) Martin, of Jericho, Vt. They have had a family of five children horn to them: George, Herald, Julia, William M., and Carrie.
STEVENS, Ira B., Williston, was born in Williston, Vt, on July 13, 1849. He was a son of Harold and Clarissa (Bliss) Stevens. His paternal grandfather was Andrew Stevens, a son of Safford Stevens, both of whom were pioneers in Williston, Vt His maternal grandfather, Peletiah Bliss, was also a pioneer of Williston, Vt Harold Stevens was born in Williston, Vt, in 1796, and died in 1862. He had two children, William C. and Ira B. He always took an active part in public affairs, and held many of the offices in his town. Ira B. Stevens now resides on the old homestead on which he was born and brought up. He was married in March, 1875, to Ellen Metcalf, a daughter of Thomas and Emily (Story) Metcalf, of Williston, Vt. They have had one child horn to them, Ethel M. Ira Stevens has been selectman of the town for the past three years.
STONE, Allen, Colchester, Winooski p. o., was born in Westford, Vt., on February 23, 1819. He was a son of Allen and Rachel (Willcox) Stone. His paternal grandfather, Jeremiah Stone, was a native of Providence, R. I., and came to Westford, Vt., in 1788. He was extensively engaged in farming, real estate, and also in the mercantile business. He was the first merchant in town and also its first representative in the Legislature. He removed to New York in later life and died there. Allen Stone, sr., was a farmer, and lived and died in Westford, Vt. He was married twice. His first wife was Thankful Wilcox, by whom he had one child, Stafford, and by his second wife, Rachel Wilcox, he had a family of five children : Allen, jr., Alney, William, Barney, and Sidney. The latter died in the army during the late war. Allen Stone, jr., was brought up in Westford, Vt., is a carpenter by trade, and settled in Winooski, Vt., in 1845. He was married on January 10, 1849, to Rebecca Haff a daughter of Henry and Louisa (Crumb) Haff, of New York. They have had three children horn to them: Ella E., Elmer H., and Elbert 0. Mr. Stone has been a constable and collector of Colchester, Vt., for many years. He is a Republican in politics.
STONE, Ovette E.. Charlotte, was horn in Charlotte, Vt., on December 6, 1843. He is a general farmer and speculator. He was married in 1862 to Ellen G. Hazard, of Charlotte, Vt. They have had eight children born to them. Edward J., Henry J., Charles G., Porter O., Minnie E., Clayton, Frances B. and an infant. Ovette Stone was a son of Joel and Alma (Boynton) Stone; she was a daughter of the Hon. Jedediah Boynton, one of the representative men of Hinesburg, Vt., and known throughout the county, and was born in Hinesburg, Vt., in 1806, and died in 1860. Joel was born in 1796, and died in 1869. They had a family of four sons and two daughters born to them, Edward, born in 1834 ; Ellen, born in 1836; George B., born in 1842; Ovette E., born in 1843; Henry, born in 1845; Adah, horn in 1853. Joel was born in Arlington, Vt, and married on March 15, 1832. He represented his town two terms. He was a son of Joel, sr. Joel, sr., was a son of Luther and Olivedine (Slosson) Stone, who were born in Stockbridge, Mass., and died in Arlington, Vt Luther was horn in 1753. They had a family of eleven children born to them.
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