Biographies of Franklin County
The History of Franklin County Vermont
By Lewis Cass Aldrich printed in 1891

ANDERSON, Robert, born in Royalton, Vt., May 31, 1770, moved to Enosburgh, Vt., in February, 1811, and to East Berkshire in March, 1816. He married Ruth Stevens, of Hartland, and was a farmer by occupation. In 1843 his son Robert S. married Harriet Perley, of Enosburgh, by whom he has had three children, viz.; Florence, born November 27, 1850, married James Hadley, and died December 13, 1878; Isabel, born February 8, 1852, married Ira J. Sweat, of Potton, Canada, and has one child, Leon; and Robert S., jr., born August 25, 1865, resides at home. 

ANDERSON, Seth P., son of Robert, was born in Royalton, Windsor county, Vt, January 1. 1802. He married Elvina Stone, who was born August 21,1806. Of this marriage there were four children, three of whom are living. Ira S., the eldest, was born May 27, 1831, and has always lived on the homestead. He married, June 1. 1853, Elvina Perley, daughter of Edward Perley, of East Berkshire. She was born August 18, 1832. Their children are Annette, Wilbert L., and Mary P. Wilbert L. married Dora Beattie, of Sandusky, 0., and is now a Congregational minister in Muskegon, Mich.  Mary P. is teaching in a Presbyterian college in Independence, Mo.

AUSTIN, Mary Ann, born in Berkshire, April 13,1824, is the daughter of Lucius H. and Mary Wheeler. Her father was born in Windsor county in 1801, and married Mary Rowley, of Enosburgh, in 1832. They had eight children, of whom Mary Ann was the eldest. She married, January 4, 1843, Hazard P. Austin, a native of Berkshire and the second son of four sons and one daughter born to Raymond and Abigail Austin. He was reared on a farm with but the advantages of a common school education, and started in life without aid, but later became the possessor of a good property. In politics he was a Republican and held several town offices. He died May 24, 1887. His widow, Mary Ann Austin, lives on the homestead and conducts the business. 

BOOTH, James T., the second in a family of twelve children of Joshua and Sarah (Taylor) Booth, was born in Ireland, February 14, 1820, and came to this country with his parents in 1841, finally removing to Canada He married Mary Ann, daughter of Robert Armstrong, of Berkshire, August 2, 1848. In 1859 be started a general store at Berkshire, which he continued until 1889, when he sold out to his nephew, William B.  Jolley. He was postmaster for twenty-three years at this place preceding 1889. He is a Republican in politics, and has been selectman and trustee of public money for many years. He is a member of the Episcopal church of Berkshire, and a member of Osissegus Lodge, No. 78, F. and A. M.   Mrs. Booth died July 6, 1875.

BOWEN, Cromwell, came from Clarendon to Berkshire about 1808. He had four children, of whom Harrison, born in 1813, married Susan, daughter of Silas Stowe, of Berkshire. They had five children, Albert H., who was born July 3, 1836, being the eldest. He worked on the farm and in 1862 bought the homestead. In 1863 he married Florence, daughter of Allen Thayer, of Berkshire, by whom he had five children: Mary S., born in 1864, married Herbert Cummings in 1885; Maud E., born in 1866, married Dr. C. S. Jenne in 1890; Caroline M., born in 1875; Florence A., born in 1878: and Cornwall A., born in 1879. Albert H. Bowen carries on a general farming and dairy business. He is a Democrat and is the present town clerk and treasurer. Both he and his wife are members of the Baptist church of Berkshire. 

CHAFFEE, Albert, was born in Berkshire in 1820, and married Nancy C, daughter of Alexander Brice, of that town. Of their six children all died young except Harvey A.  and Bianca G. The latter, the youngest of the family, married John J. McCarty, of Berkshire, in 1876, and their three children are Glenna, Gladys, and Grace. Harvey A. Chaffee married, first, Ellen M. Whitehead, of Canada, in 1862, by whom he had one daughter, Alberta E., who married Gardner Armstrong. He married, second, Adelia A., a sister of his first wife, in 1864, and their three children are as follows: Hattie B.  (Chaffee) Crandall, of Canada, Etta M., and Albert S. He married, third, Edna M.  Page, of Waterloo, P. Q, in 1884. He is a Republican and has served two terms as selectman. He is a member of Lincoln Lodge, No. 78, F. and A. M., of Enosburgh, and is a member of the Baptist church of Berkshire.

CHAFFEE, John, was born in 1796, and married Priscilla, daughter of Jonathan Danforth, of Berkshire, and they had seven children, of whom Homer S. married Mary R., daughter of Daniel B. Burleson, of Berkshire. Mr. Burleson was born March 12, 1801, and married Electa Hawley, December 4, 1823. Homer S. had children as follows: Gertrude E., born March 11, 1873; Homer, born May 20, 1875; and Wilbur, born April 8, 1878.   Mr. Chaffee is a general farmer on the Chaffee homestead.

GRANT, Noab, son of Reuben a Revolutionary soldier, was born in Lyme, N. H., October 16,1790, and died in October, 1861. He married, first, a Miss Conant, by whom one son was born. He married, second, Anna, daughter of Elias Lawrence, of Enosburgh, Vt., and of this marriage six children were born, of whom Joseph L. was the eldest In September, 1866, he came to Berkshire, where he now resides. He married Maria Combs, daughter of Caleb Combs, of Montgomery, November 15, 1860, and they have had six children, as follows: Abbie A., born June 9, 1862, married Benton Wilson in December, 1883; Seth L., born June 14, 1864; Henry R., born August 2, 1866; Edwin E., born June 22, 1868; Howard C, born December 19,1871; and Mary C, born August 7, 1874. Seth L. and Henry R. are now living in Medfield, Mass.  Joseph L. Grant belongs to the Vermont and Quebec Conference of Adventists, while Mrs. Grant is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Montgomery. 

HOADLEY, Aaron, jr., was born in Charlotte. Chittenden county, Vt., October 10,1817.  His father, Aaron, was born in Hartland, Vt., and came to Berkshire about 1822. He married Esther Had as a Higgins about 1803, and they had thirteen children. Mr. Hoadley was a farmer, and Aaron, jr., was brought up to farm work. About 1838 the latter commenced learning the carpenter's trade, at which he worked for several years. January 3,1847, he married, first, Ruth, daughter of Samuel Runnells, of Berkshire, by whom he had four children, as follows: Alcy L., born December 14, 1847; Aldath H., born July 8, 1849 ; Eliza A., born March 21, 1851; and Harrison, born March 22, 1853. He married, second, Persis, daughter of John Potter, and by her has one child, Arthur J., born May 31. 1863. Aaron Hoadley, jr., had only a common school education, and early began work to help an invalid father provide for a large family. About 1841 he bought fifty acres of land, and has since experienced a successful business career. He is a member of the Baptist church and his wife of the Methodist Episcopal church. 

HULL, Ethan A., was born in Fairfield, Vt., July 1, 1813. His grandfather, Jehial, born in Connecticut, married Jerusha Phelps and had seven children, of whom Anson (father of Ethan A.) was the fifth. Anson Hull, born in 1772, moved from Norfolk, Conn., to Whiting, Vt., and in 1799 he married Susan Whaley, of Fairfield, by whom he had fourteen children. Ethan A. Hull married Melinda L., daughter of Oliver Austin, of Berkshire, February 23, 1842. She was born January 11,1821. Her grand-father, William Laribee, came from Weathersfield, Vt., in 1807, and married Amy Royce, who bore him seven children. Ethan A. Hull had but a common school education, and early learned the clothier's trade, at which he worked winters and on the farm summers. About 1841 he began to speculate in cattle and real estate, and in 1861 came from Cambridge, bought land, and settled on his present home in Berkshire. He represented his town in 1870 and was sent to the state Senate in 1876. He has been selectman and held other town offices many years, and was also one of the railroad commissioners who were largely instrumental in paying up the railroad bonds about 1870. He has three children: Clark A., born October 11, 1843; Delia, born June 6,1845, married Guy Clark, of Berkshire, December 29, 1864; and Mark A., born August 23, 1851, who married Belle W., daughter of Chester Wilde, of Berkshire, August 23, 1876. Mark Hull is now living on the homestead, and his two children are Fennom W., born December 21, 1878, and Addie M. born February 27, 1880.

LADD FAMILY, The.- Late in the seventeenth century two brothers by the name of Ladd came to this country from England, one of whom settled in Connecticut and was the father of Asa L., jr., father of Henry, the subject of this sketch. The latter at the age of twenty-one years engaged as clerk in the store of Alonzo Green at East Swanton, with whom he remained six months, when he entered the employ of William Clapp, a merchant at East Berkshire, where he remained for nine years though the firm name changed hands several times during that period. In 1854 he married Celia M.  Levins, daughter of Pascal P. Levins, of Berkshire Center, by whom he has two sons, Albert Avery and Pascal P. Mr. Ladd was a war Democrat, and wrote the first recruiting call for Berkshire. He was prominent in the effort to discount Berkshire's railroad bonds by payment at the time of issue, which was finally accomplished. He represented his town in 1872, and has held about all the town offices.

LARABEE, William, moved from Weathersfield, Windsor county, Vt., in 1806, where his son George was born in October, 1800. The latter married Celina Birch, of Berkshire, about 1823, and their children were as follows: Harding H., born in 1828; Viola, born in 1831; Asa, born in 1833 ; Thirsa, born in 1835; Edson B., born in 1839; Paulina, born in 1841; and M. Merritt B., born in 1843. He married, second, Cynthia Stevens about 1848, t>y whom he had one child, S. Celina, born in 1846. Edson B.  Larabee married, January 2, 1866, Susan B., daughter of Phillip Shufelt, by whom he had two children, viz.: Emma, born in June, 1868, who married Ralph Clark in 1886, and Grace, born in November, 1869. In 1862 Edson B. enlisted as a private in Company I, Tenth Vermont Infantry, and at his first battle-Locust Grove-in 1863 he was wounded and conveyed to the Mansion House Hospital in Virginia, where he remained for five months. He participated in the following battles : The Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Ann, Gaines's Mills, Cold Harbor, Bermuda Hundred. Monocasy, Charleston, Smithfield, Winchester, Flint Hill, Cedar Run, and the siege of Petersburg. In the fall of 1864 he was promoted to sergeant, and on June 26, 1865, received an honorable discharge. He is now a member, of Pixley Post, No. 102, G. A. R., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt He is selectman of the town, and both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church of Berkshire.

MOREN, Daniel, son of Patrick and Mary (Donnelly) Moren, was born in Ireland, June 15, 1825. In 1831 Patrick Moren left his native country with his family for America. He spent two months in Berkshire, and then returned to Montreal, where he had left his family. He lost his wife and one child shortly after. Daniel was left with Nathaniel Leetch, of Berkshire, in which family he lived until twenty years of age.  After having secured a common school education he went to Massachusetts and worked in a paper-mill for three years and a half. In 1849 he went to California, where he was employed in running a steam engine for over three years. He returned home in 1854, but the next year he went to California again. In 1857 he moved to East Berkshire, where he has since resided. He married, in 1863, Catherine Jewett, of Ohio, a niece of Mrs. Leetch. Mr. Moren formed a partnership with Dolphus Paul, and later with Kiles A. Paul, son of Dolphus, and retired from business in 1888. He has had seven children, four of whom are living. In 1878 he represented his town in the legislature and in 1884 became state senator.

PAND, Theopholas P., was born in Wolcott, Lamoille county, Vt., in August, 1800. He came to Berkshire when thirteen years of age and commenced farming. He married Abbie, daughter of Harding Swan by whom he had ten children, as follows: Fanny (deceased), Jaben F., Addison P., Webster, Emily, Margaret, Harriet, Ezra, Joel, and Fanny. Addison P. Pand was born in Berkshire, April 13, 1829. In March, 1857, he married Sarah, daughter of Harding Allen, by whom he had one son, Herbert A. Mrs.  Pand died in 1862, and he married, second, Fanny Jones, of Berkshire, June 30, 1867. Of this marriage five children were born, as follows: Alice, born October 3, 1868; Catherine, born April 19, 1870; Edwin, born January 3,1874, died aged seven ; Arthur, born April 19, 1879; and Eva, born March 22, 1884.   Mr. Pand represented his town in the legislature in 1882, has been deputy sheriff for fourteen years, and has held other public offices.   In politics he is a Republican.

PAUL, Dolphus, son of Dolphus and Rhoda (Clemons) Paul, was born in Wells, Rutland county, Vt., April 23, 1815, and in 1816 the family moved to Enosburgh, from which place they removed to Berkshire. Dolphus, sr., was a blacksmith by trade, and his son, reared on a farm, was given a common school education. In 1837 the latter married Harriet, daughter of Oliver Austin, of Berkshire, and they have had eight children, five of whom are still living. In 1857 he engaged in the general merchandise business with Daniel Moren, under the firm name of Paul & Moren, which continued for fifteen years, when Dolphus was succeeded by his son, Kiles A. He was also station agent at East Berkshire for fifteen years, and was selectman and lister for many years.   He is a Democrat in politics.

PAUL, Kiles A., son of Dolphus Paul, of East Berkshire, was born in Enosburgh, September 13, 1849, and at the age of twenty-one he entered the employ of Paul & Moren, East Berkshire, where he continued until 1859, when he became a member of the firm of D. Paul & Co. In 1862 Mr. Paul retired from the firm, but the year following he became interested in the same business with Daniel Moren. the firm being known as Paul & Moren. In 1887 he bought Mr. Moren's interest, and has since conducted a successful business at the old stand. December 15, 1875, he married Cora E., daughter of Ira Brown, of New Haven, Vt, and they have two children, viz.: Dolphus W., born September 24, 1876, and Hattie E., born February 11, 1878. Mr. and Mrs. Paul are both members of the Episcopal church.

SAMSON, William, the eldest of six children of Erasmus D. and Angeline (Hamilton) Samson, was born in Berkshire, Vt., August 8,1831. Erasmus D. Samson was a farmer, and William remained with him until 1842. He married, March 4,1855, Susan, daughter of Jonas Boutelle, of Enosburgh, Vt., and they have had three children, all of whom are living. In 1872 he commenced repairing horse-powers, and soon after his buildings were struck by lightning and burned. Leaving the farm he established his present plant. In 1876 he took in as partner Jasper A. Rouse, and they are owners of three valuable patents, manufacturing sawing machines, threshing machines, and churns, which are sold throughout New England. Mr. Samson is a successful business man, has been selectman in his town, and is a member of the Congregational church. 

STILES, Samuel S., was born in Chester, Vt., about 1778, and married Halma, daughter of Talma Hendrick, of Enosburgh, Vt. They had ten children, as follows: William H., who died March 31; 1891, in Montgomery; Hendrick, who died in California in 1889; Paschal, who married Caroline Brown, and is now living in California; Elsie M.; who married Charles Jenne, of Berkshire, and died in 1853; Benjamin F., now living in Berkshire; Lydia, who died in Illinois in 1859; Harriet N. (Mrs. George Colburn),who lives in Oregon ; Mary Ann, who married a Mr. Carmach, of Illinois, and died in 1858; Rhoda P. (Mrs. David Carpenter), who resides in Wisconsin; and Hannah, who married a Mr. Carmach, and died about 1862. Benjamin F. Stiles married, in 1856, Sarah Ann, daughter of Nathaniel Jenne, of Berkshire, by whom he had one child, Mary A., born January 19, 1857, who married John M. Robb, of Montgomery, November 13, 1878.

TOWLE, James C, a native of Berkshire, was born October 15, 1856. His grandfather, Theopolis, a native of New Hampshire, was born March 30, 1790, and married Deborah Miller. J. Clement, son of Theopolis and father of James, was born in Franklin, December 21, 1814, and married Mary, daughter of Allison and Sally Judd, of that town.  They had five children, of whom James C. was the youngest He married, January 10, 1879, Lillian 0., daughter of Elmer and Orlana Phelps, of Franklin, by whom he had four children, as follows : Lillian A., born April 27, 1879, died May 30, 1880; Vera M., born June 29, 1881; Seth C, born March 31, 1883; and Nellie S., born October 26, 1884, died May 28, 1885.   James C. Towle attended the district school and the Franklin and Bakersfield Academies. He first went to work in Boston, but soon returned to Berkshire and bought the home farm, and began buying butter and conducting the creamery business.

WELD, Newton, was born in Berkshire, December 23,1805, and married Anna, daughter of Benjamin Austin, of that town, by whom he had eight children, viz.: Cheater, Ruth, Newton F, Susan, Hiram, Norman, Gracia, and Emma A. The first three mentioned are the only survivors. At the age of twenty years Newton F. Weld began farming, and in the fall of 1858 he moved to Rhode Island and entered the employ of the Providence and Worcester Railroad Company, where he remained two winters. In the spring of 1860 he returned to Berkshire, and bought the Weld homestead. In politics he is a staunch Republican, and is a member of Lincoln Lodge, No. 78, F. and A M., of Enosburgh Falls.

WHEELER, Josiah, came from Windsor county to Berkshire in 1806, and settled at the center of the town, where he continued to reside until his death in 1854. He was one of those men peculiar to the early history of Vermont-generous and forbearing to a fault, aiding a friend with the last penny, yet strong in his opposition to what he considered wrong and injustice.  Lucius H. was five years old when his father moved from Windsor. Being the youngest son he was the one chosen to stay at home and aid in the clearing of the farm, and ultimately to succeed his father in its ownership, while the other sons went out from the parental home to clear farms for themselves. In 1822 he was married to Mary Rowley, of Enosburgh, with whom he lived for more than fifty years, and who bore him eight children. Although an active, pushing, and successful business man, having occasion to meet his townsmen and others in the most difficult of business relations, he was universally esteemed and respected for his piety and uprightness of character. He was a life-long Methodist, and before the building of churches in town his house was always open for gatherings of his neighbors for divine worship. A barn now stands upon the farm in which meetings were held in the early days of the settlement, it being the most commodious building in' the neighborhood. He died in 1873. When it again became necessary for the sons and daughters of the family to think about their individual prospects for life Marshall S., the youngest son, was the one to whose lot it fell to remain at home and occupy the farm his grandfather and father had cleared. He has always resided upon the farm, and now occupies the same house in which he was born and which was built by his father fifty-seven years ago. Before reaching the age of majority he engaged in mercantile business, and the buying and selling of cattle and sheen with his father, and successfully continued the same until a few years ago, since which time he has attended exclusively to the care of the farm. In 1863 he married Hapalona, daughter of Horace Ewins. He has one son, H. Elmer, now a law student in St Albans.

YAW, Joseph, was born in Franklin county, Vt., September 15, 1825. His father Joseph, was born in Clarendon county, Vt, in 1785, and married Sarah, daughter of Reuben Towle, of Franklin, in 1817. He was killed by a falling tree in 1824. Of his five children Joseph, jr., was the youngest He came to Berkshire in October, 1855, and married Mary Ann, daughter of Ebenezer Bowman, of Colchester, Vt. They have one child, Ada, born October 9, 1863, who married Dwight Weld in September, 1881.  Mr. Yaw is a Republican, and represented his town in the legislature in 1886. He has also been selectman two terms and has held other town offices. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Berkshire.

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