Biographies of Franklin County
The History of Franklin County Vermont
By Lewis Cass Aldrich printed in 1891

CHAMBERLIN, Ebenezer, born in 1754 at Great Meadows, Mass., came to Burlington, Vt., before 1790. He served in the Revolutionary war. He married Patty Howe and they had fourteen children, of whom two sons, Maynard and John, served as soldiers in the War of 1812 and were at Plattsburgh, and another son, Henry, settled in Sheldon, where he was engaged in business as a tanner and shoemaker. Henry Chamberlin was one of the leading men of his town. He married Desire Ripley, and they had eleven children, one of whom, Henry B., married Priscilla Bliss, a descendant of the Rev. John Bliss who settled in Helbron, Conn., in 1713. They have four children : John E., Henry L., E. K., and Emma E.   John E. Chamberlin, born in 1843, enlisted, July 10, 1863, in Company G, Sixth Vermont Volunteers.   He was wounded September 19, 1864, at Winchester, and on October 19th was wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek.  September 23, 1864, he was promoted corporal, and January 3, 1865, was made sergeant, serving as such to the close of the war. He married Annette Bliss, daughter of William Bliss.   They have four children.

GLEED, John L, son of John Gleed, a noted preacher, was born in England and came to this country in 1832. He settled in Lamoille county, where he was educated at the Lamoille County Grammar School and at the Belle McQueen Seminary. He studied law with his brother, the Hon. Thomas Gleed, in St. Lawrence county, and came to Sheldon in 1868, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1868 Mr. Gleed was appointed department revenue assessor. He was twice married.  His first wife was Amelia Searle and his second was Josephine Piper. They have four children.

MARTIN, Giles, came to Sheldon at an early day and married Lovica Sheldon, a daughter of George Sheldon. She was the first white child born in Sheldon. One of their sons, Nathaniel G., born in 1814, married Anna A. Chamberlain. Nathaniel G. Martin was prominent in town affairs, serving as selectman for several years, and was elected representative in 1866 and 1867. He died in 1884, leaving a family of six children, five daughters and one son, the latter being Nathaniel H., who married Arvilla C. Randall.  They have one son, Howell N. Their only daughter, Anna A., died in January, 1890, at the age of twenty years. Mr. Martin is the largest farmer in Sheldon, having a farm of 520 acres.

MASON, William, born in Cheshire, Mass., settled in Malone in 1803, where he remained until 1844, when he came to Sheldon and died in 1846. He had a family of eight children, only two of whom settled in Sheldon. They were Phebe, who married J. W. Chadwick, a son of the Amos Chadwick who settled in Sheldon in 1804; and Mercy, who married John J. Towle, a son of Theophilus Towle, who was born in Franklin in 1821 and came to Sheldon in 1854. Mr. Towle was a farmer and one of the foremost men of his town, taking an active interest in town affairs. He died in 1889, leaving William M., a teacher in New York, and Harrison, who resides in Sheldon.

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