

Biographies of Franklin County
St. Albans
The History of Franklin County Vermont
By Lewis Cass Aldrich printed in 1891

BEDARD, Spencer S., was born in Stanbridge, P. Q., April 21,1838, and was the oldest of three children born to John and Philena C. Bedard. During his youth his father died and Spencer S. then commenced to learn the harnessmaker's trade. In the fall of 1856 he came to St. Albans, but after about two years he went to Montpelier. In the spring of 1862 he went to Boston and found employment, but three years later, in 1865, he returned to St. Albans, at which village he has since resided. On coming to this place Mr. Bedard entered into partnership with his brother, J. A. Bedard, and purchased the harness business formerly conducted by H. M. Stevens, but to this they added a trade in carriages; and after the firm dissolved- having been in trade some twelve years -the harness business was continued by the brother, while Spencer took charge of the carriage trade and has since earned it on. Besides this Spencer S. was for a time engaged in the boot and shoe business and in the clothing business at Rouse's Point, N. Y.  Mr. Bedard has not been unknown in the political history of St. Albans, as about 1870 he was elected justice of the peace and held that office about ten years. In 1880 he wag chosen associate judge of the County Court, and so continued for two years. In 1885 and 1886 he was one of the selectmen of his town, and in the fall of 1886 he was elected town representative. In the legislature Judge Bedard was chairman of the Committees on Ways and Means and on Claims. In religious matters he and his family are members of the Congregational church. On arriving in Montpelier in 1860 Mr. Bedard married Sarah L. Clark. They have had three children : Jennie (wife of F. Irvin Dutcher), Sarah Grace, and Frederick S. Mr. Bedard's mother was of American birth, but of English descent. His maternal grandfather was born in France. His paternal grandfather was of Dutch extraction.

BOYNTON, Samuel H., was born in Burlington in 1815, and became a resident of St.  Albans in 1839, locating at the place familiarly called Parsonsville, where he became engaged in tanning. He soon sold out and acted as overseer for Smith & Whiting, who were also tanners at the same place. In 1849 Mr. Boynton married Caroline M., daughter of Almon and granddaughter of Reuben Tullar, the pioneer. The children of Samuel H. and Caroline Boynton are Frank and Gates C. Mrs. Boynton died in 1869. The farm on which Mr. Boynton lives, and in which he has a life estate, comprises 200 acres. 

BRUNSON, Lyman, was a pioneer of North Hero, having settled there about 1785. To his marriage with Janette Strong were born seven children: Esther, Mary, Uriah, David S., Carlisle T., William Henry, and Hannah. William Henry Brunson, now living in St. Albans, was born in February, 1810. At the age of eighteen years he came to St. Albans, and learned the trade of tanner and currier under Stephen Lawrence. In 1833 he married Harriet, daughter of Joseph Smith, of Georgia, and by her had a family of five children, viz.: George S., a resident of St. Albans and a magnetic healer of some prominence; San ford F., of Hartford, Conn.; Sarah Jane, wife of Sanford J.  Brigham; Edwin J., of St Albans; and Willard E., deceased.

COOK, Nelson, the eldest of the fourteen children of Thaddeus Cook, of Georgia, was born April 7, 1817. He was reared on a farm, and at the age of seventeen years went to New York state, where he remained for two years. Returning he married Lura Brown, of St. Albans, and then removed to New York. About 1850 he settled in St.  Albans. During the war he started in the grocery business at the Bay, and has so continued to the present day, but the immediate control of this business is in charge of his son, while Mr. Cook looks after his lands and boats. In 1890 Mr. Cook bought the Jewett Tile Works, just over the Georgia line. The children of his marriage with Lura Brown were Charles, Louisa, Dwight F., Elinas M., and one who died unnamed. Mr.  Cook is a Democrat. In 1868 he was selected for the office of postmaster, which position he held for about two years.

CORLISS FAMILY, The.-John Corliss was a native of New Hampshire and a pioneer of St. Albans, having settled in that town prior to 1820. His wife was Jane Todd, daughter of Samuel Todd, who was somewhat prominent during the Revolutionary period.  The children of John and Jane (Todd) Corliss were: Martin J., of St. Albans; Ozro, of Ellenburgh, N. Y.; Daniel, of Swanton; John R. and Levi, of St. Albans; and Samuel, who died in infancy. John Corliss was a farmer on land now owned by Chester Collins. He died in 1837, in Bakersfield, to which town he had previously moved.  His wife died April 19, 1866. John R. Corliss married Lovica Eaton, November 20, 1850, and had these children: Lester, a merchant in St. Albans; Clark, who resides with his father; and Ozro, of Barlow county, Kan. Martin J. Corliss was born October 27.  1821, and was brought up on the farm. April 29, 1846, he married Paulina Skinner, and they had nine children : John A., Mirza G., Joseph A., Mary L., Amy, Daniel, Normul, Albert N., and George Addison, who died in infancy. Martin J. Corliss is a successful farmer, owning 250 acres in the northwest part of St Albans. He was a soldier during the late war in the Twelfth Vermont Regiment. He also saw some service during the famous Papineau war. Levi 0. Corliss was born in St. Albans, April 12, 1831.  At the age of eleven years he entered the employ o«f M. S. Skinner, driving three yoke of oxen on a breaking plow at $4 per month. At the age of twenty-eight years he was obliged to seek lighter employment owing to poor health. September 28, 1851, he married Almira P. Griffin, of St Albans, and they had six children : Herbert 0., Sarah J., Orson W., Ruby A., Etta M., and Almira R. His wife died June 26f 1862, and November 1st following he married Eliza W., daughter of Solomon Cleveland, of Franklin, Vt They had two children: Charles L. and Gracie M. In 1869 Levi Corliss and family moved to Ellenburgh, N. Y., where he became engaged in farming and mercantile pursuits, but in 1885 he returned to St. Albans Bay, where now resides.

HERRICK, James, one of the early settlers of Sheldon, Vt., came to this locality from Dutchess county, N. Y. He was a surveyor, and ran the town lines, and at one time owned about half the town. He had several children, Leander, Samuel B., Laura, Lucy, and Louisa being the names of those now recalled. Samuel B. Herrick married Alma Hull, of Fairfield, and they had four children : Laura S., Polly E., Alexander H., and La Fayette H. La Fayette Hull Herrick was born April 30, 1840, and was brought up to do farm work. November 29, 1860, he married Spaulding Duclos, a member of a prominent Sheldon family, and they had two children, Ernest D. and Alma Louisa, both of whom are living at home. Mr. Herrick lived for many years in Sheldon. He then moved to Swanton, thence back to Sheldon, and then to St Albans in 1887, where he became the owner of the Duclos farm, formerly the James Brooks place. Mr. Herrick is devoted to the farm, and takes but little part in town affairs. He is not connected with any religious society, but his wife is a member of the Baptist church.

HOLDRIDGE, Ancil, will be well remembered by the middle aged men of St Albans, particularly by those who were associated with him during his life with in army. He was not a soldier who carried a gun or fought in a battle, but his duty called him to the hospital tent, caring for the sick and mounded as they were brought from the battlefield. In this sphere his services were important, both to suffering humanity and the government His direct association was with the Christian Commission. He died in May, 1884. His wife was Cornelia, daughter of Reuben Tuller by the latter's marriage with Mary Cooley. Two children were born to them, Cornelia and Catherine. By a former marriage with Esther Yates Mr. Tuller had eleven children. The children of Ancil and Cornelia Holdridge were Milo, who died in 1888, and Frederick. Ancil and Cornelia were married in 1841.

PIERCE, Willard, was born at Stanbridge, P. Q., September 3, 1834, the son of Varnum and Philoma Pierce. His early life was spent on the farm, but at the age of eighteen years he came to St Albans to work for his uncle, Curtis Pierce, in the hotel business. In 1861 Willard Pierce bought the St Albans House, which he still owns, and went into business for himself. To the old hotel he has made frequent additions, so that the present building bears but little resemblance to the original. Mr. Pierce married Sarah Gray, formerly of Kingston, N. Y., and has five children,-three sons and two daughters,-all of whom are living. He has resided in St. Albans since his first coming to the place, at times having proprietorship of his hotel, at others leasing it, but of late years it has been continually leased, while its owner gives his attention to his other interests, which are quite extensive.

PRINDLE, Amos D., who was born in Fairfield, was the eighth child of nine children born to Martin and Phebe (Leach) Prindle, pioneers in Fairfield, the settlement of their families being earlier than 1800. Martin Prindle was familiarly called "Judge," from the fact of his long holding the office of justice in the town. Amos D. Prindle, in 1844, married Maria, daughter of Ami Wilson, of Fairfax, and they had two children: Alvah W., now in charge of the large farm in St Albans, and Fred D., now living at Johnson, Vt, In 1870 Mr. Prindle came from Fairfield to St. Albans and bought the Addison Farnsworth property of 336 acres, lying southeast of the village. He was a successful and prosperous farmer, but an unfortunate stroke of paralysis in 1888 prostrated him. The care and management of the large farm then fell upon Alvah W. Prindle. The latter married Alice L. Ray, of Hinesburgh. Fred D. Prindle married Delia Chase, of Jay.

STILPHEN, Cornelius, the ancestor of a large and respected line of descendants in the region of Northern Vermont, came from New Hampshire to Swanton in 1810 with his family on an old ox-sled drawn by a pair of three-year-old steers. The family at that time comprised a number of children, among them being Sally, Susannah, Mary, Nancy, Betsey, William, Charles, and Cornelius. There were others who did not come to this locality. Cornelius married Deborah Neal, and by her had the following children: George W., Charles W., Martha L., and Warren C. George W. Stilphen, the prominent representative of the family now in St. Albans, was born February 5, 1829, and was brought up on the farm and to farm work, but he has become one of the most extensive buyers and dealers in this region. His investments in this locality have brought advantageous results, as he is looked upon as one of the foremost men of the town. December 23, 1858, he married Catherine L. Bishop, by whom he had two children, Kate M. and George William. In politics Mr. Stilphen is a Democrat. His grandfather and Charles Stilphen were at the battle of Pittsburgh.

STRATTON, Joe H., the well known proprietor of Stratton's Hotel, was born in St. Armand, Canada, June 29, 1840. He was a son of Robert and Ann (Taylor) Stratum, and of their children was the sixth. When Joe was thirteen years old his father died, and the family then came to the town of Franklin and lived with Robert Stratton, jr., older son of Robert and Ann Stratton. Here Joe H. resided and worked on the farm until he was twenty-four, when he commenced buying butter and produce. In 1868 he went to California, where he remained three years, but on returning became engaged in the butter business, and continued in the same more or less actively until 1885. In 1887 he rented the St. Albans House and managed it one year, after which he became landlord of the Windsor House at Ogdensburg, remaining at that place a year or so.  Returning to St Albans Mr. Stratton leased the Franklin House at the corner of Fairfield and South Main streets, changed its name to Stratton's Hotel, and here he has ever since been found in the capacity of host. In 1875 Mr. Stratton married Marcia Clement, of Franklin, and they have one child. Landlord Stratton is not unknown to the political history of the county. In the fall of 1886 he was the Republican nominee for the office of sheriff, but there was a general bolt, on the part of many Republicans on account of a dissatisfaction with other parts of the county and state ticket, and at the polls Mr. Stratton was sacrificed with nearly all other candidates for county offices.  But it is doubtful whether an opposing candidate of less strength than Captain Kennedy could have beaten Mr. Stratton for the position..

STURTEVANT, Smith Clark, was born at Weybridge, Vt, October 2, 1845, and was for more than twenty years prior to his death a conductor on the Vermont Central and Central Vermont Railroads. He was a valued employee, but the lamentable accident of February 6, 1887, cost him his life. Mr. Sturtevant was a soldier during the late war, having enlisted at Middlebury in Company B, Fifth Vermont Infantry. He married, November 28,1865, Emmerette Church, who bore him seven children, as follows: Marshall C, Fred H., Verne, Edgar S., Ina Belle, Clyde E., and Frank F. Mrs. Sturtevant, widow of Smith Clark Sturtevant, on February 20, 1889, was married to Alton C. Dean.

TULLER, Melancton, was born in St. Albans in 1834, the son of Oman and Persis Tuller. Oman Tuller was the head of a numerous family, his children numbering twelve.  Of these Melancton was the youngest. He was reared on the farm and has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits, and the reward for his labors has been reasonably fair, for his is an excellent farm and its surroundings and appointments are desirable. Melancton Tuller married Hattie, daughter of Carlton Wright, of St. Albans. They have no children.

WALKER, Lewis, was a pioneer of St. Albans, settling there about 1791. One of his children was Edward C. Walker, who was born on the farm on which his son, William P. Walker, now lives, in the south part of the town, on March 28, 1805. His life was passed on this same farm. He married Roby C, daughter of David Clark, by whom he had these children: Leonora M., who married Horace Jennison; William P., now living on the home farm; and David C, who died in infancy. William P. Walker married Mary Jane Cox, and had two children, Anna R. and Edward C. William Walker lived on the farm until he was of age, and then went to Burlington. At the outbreak of the late war he was assistant quartermaster at the Marine Hospital, which position he held for three years. Later he was in trade at St Albans village, from 1866 to 1883, but he has always regarded the old farm as his only home, and retired there after closing out business at the village. Mr. Walker is a firm Democrat, living in a strongly Republican town, yet he was overseer of the poor for fourteen years and justice for twelve years.

WHITTEMORE, Richard, who was born in Massachusetts, came with his family and settled on Johnny Cake Hill about 1790. He had four children: Sarah Beckett, who married Josiah Smith; John, who married Aluna Kingsbury; Polly, who married Amos Clark; and Eliza, who became the wife of John French. Richard Whittemore died in 1805, aged thirty-six years, and his wife in 1856, aged eighty-nine years. The children of John and Aluna (Kingsbury) Whittemore were Rodney; Cordelia M., who married Lucius Hulburt; Eliza French; Mary Ann, wife of Dr. S. S. Clark; and Helen, who married Henry M. Miller. The second wife of John was Samantha M. Safford, by whom he had one child, Maria, wife of Rev. E. H. Alden, of Minnesota. Rodney Whittemore was reared on the farm, and the old home of his father is now owned and occupied by him. He desired to retain it, and upon the death of his father he purchased the interests of the other heirs. The father died in 1885, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years. Rodney Whittemore bears the title of "Judge," which came through his incumbency of the position of associate judge of the County Courts in 1886 and 1887.  He has also held the office of county commissioner. In politics he has generally been associated with the Republican party, but of late years he has affiliated with the Prohibitionists. For many years Judge Whittemore has been prominently identified with the Congregational church. In 1842 he married Maria P. West, by whom he had two children.   His wife died in 1874, and in 1875 he married Cora H. Sharp.  Wilson, Robert, came from New Hampshire at an early day and settled in St. Albans.  He had nine children : Anderson, Robert Brooks, James, Samuel, Sarah, John, Patty, and Polly, all of whom are deceased. The boys except John went to Bangor, N. Y.  John married Lucretia Spurr, of St. Albans, and had eight children: Paulina, James P., John, William B., Sarah Ann, Raymond S., Mary, and George, of whom only James P. is now living. The latter married Lydia B., daughter of Willard Jewell, and by her had two children, viz.: Julia D., who married H. L. Samson, the enterprising proprietor of the Lake View House at the famous fishing grounds of the Great Back Bay, and Charles Edgar, now deceased. The children of Henry L. and Julia D. Samson are Wilson J., George H. (deceased), and Stewart L.

WOOD, Seymour H., was born in Swanton, April 19, 1841. He was educated in the common schools and in Swanton Academy, and lived on the home farm until eighteen years of age. In 1859 he came to St. Albans and became a clerk in the hardware store of George H. Farrar, remaining there until 1861. In April of that year he enlisted in Company C, First Vermont Volunteers, and was mustered out in August following. In August, 1862, he re-enlisted in Company L, First Vermont Cavalry, entering as sergeant, and was wounded at Hagarstown, Md., July 6, 1863. In December, 1863, while in camp at Stevensburg, Va., he was attacked with inflammatory rheumatism, was sent to the general hospital, was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, and was discharged in 1865. Mr. Wood is familiarly known as " Major,'' a title that came to him by reason of service in the Vermont militia. He assisted in raising the company called the Ransom Guard. For twelve years Major Wood was in the flour, feed, and grain business as one of the firm of Weeks & Wood, and was afterwards alone in the same business. He sold out to become deputy collector under General Wells, and when Mr.  Benedict succeeded to the collectorship he became deputy collector in charge of the St. Albans office, a position he now holds.

WYMAN, Charles, born in Chelsea, Orange county, Vt., February 18, 1826, was the sixth of seven children born to Daniel and Anna (Wilson) Wyman. At the age of four-teen Charles went to live with a relative, and learned the trade of jeweler and watch-maker, working under the direction of Foster Grow. This occupied his time for seven years, or until his majority, when he came to St. Albans and became a jeweler and watchmaker in the store of A. H. Huntington. Two years later he became Mr. Huntington's partner in business, a relation that continued until 1856, when John Wyman, brother of Charles, purchased an interest, and the firm was changed to C. & J. Wyman.  In 1862 John Wyman retired and Elihu Huntington succeeded to his interest, and the new firm of Wyman & Huntington continued for about six years, when Charles became sole proprietor. In 1887 John Daniel Wyman, son of Charles, became a partner with his father, and then the present firm of Charles Wyman & Son was formed. Although the senior partner of this firm has found the greater part of his life employed with business cares and responsibilities he has, nevertheless, found time to take an active interest in the affairs of the town. He was once representative from St. Albans and has been grand juror and village trustee, being president of the board for two years. In religious affairs Mr. Wyman has been prominent in the Congregational .church, and has been one of the deacons for more than twenty years. On November 8, 1848, Charles Wyman married Maria E. Densmore, of Chelsea, of which marriage two children have been born, John D. and Anna Maria.

YOUNGER, George, was born at Essex, N. Y., February 15, 1820, the son of Archibald and Margaret (Brown) Younger, and the second of their seven children. The father was a tailor, and to that trade George was brought up. In 1843 he came to the Bay and opened a tailor shop, making the clothing for the people of the town who could then afford the luxury of tailor-made garments. After working about eighteen years Mr. Younger started a grocery on a small scale, but gradually increased his popularity and capacity until no country store in the region is better stocked and patronized than his.  In 1850 he married Mary Watson, and they have had three children, George A., William W., and Nellie Jane, the latter now the wife of Andrew Simpson, of Southbridge, Mass.  The sons are engaged in business with their father. In 1870, under Grant, he was appointed postmaster at the Bay, and held that office until succeeded by Nelson Cook in 1888; but two years later, in January, 1890, Mr. Younger was re-appointed.

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