Grand Isle County Biographies
The History of Franklin County Vermont
By Lewis Cass Aldrich printed in 1891
Grand Isle
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ADAMS, Edwin, born August 27, 1831. is a son of Hector Adams, who was born at Burlington, Vt,, in 1800, and married Laura Mariam, by whom he had eight children. Edwin Adams married Maria B. Tobias, November 4, 1853, who was born July 7,1833. Her parents were Solon and Mary Tobias, life-long residents of Grand Isle. Solon was born June 11, 1793, and died September. 17, 1874. His wife, Mary, was born November 28, 1795, and died March 6, 1873. The children of Edwin Adams are: Edna, born October 11, 1854; Ellen, born June 1, 1862, died December 15, 1863; Mattie G., born June 22.  1868; and Harry E., born December 11, 1869, died January 26, 1891. Edna married Homer E. Griswold, January 12, 1880, and their children are Fannie E., born July 28, 1882, and Ellen A., born February 11, 1886. Mr. Adams came from the town of Milton to Grand Isle in 1849, and engaged with D. E. Griswold as a cleric, but soon became a partner, and remained about a year. He then spent some time in Wisconsin with a company of railroad engineers and returned to Grand Isle in 1853, engaging in mercantile pursuits and in farming. He represented the town in the General Assembly in 1859-60 and was sheriff of Grand Isle county in 1860-61. He went to Michigan in 1863, where he was employed for four years in farming and speculation. In 1869 he located permanently at Grand Isle, and has since been engaged in a general store and in farming. He has also been town treasurer, lister, justice of the peace, and assistant United States assessor. Grand Isle.

LADD, Lewis, born April 28, 1797, at Norwich, Conn., came to Grand Isle with his parents about 1800. He married Maria Hyde, February 28, 1842, and two children were born to them, viz.: Margaret A., born in December, 1842, and Alfred H., born February 23, 1848.  The former married Wyman M. Gordon, March 23. 1863. Alfred H.  Ladd married Jane White, March 18, 1885, and their children are Maria E. born August 5, 1886; Lewis Alexander, born June 5, 1888; and Margaret Isabel, born February 24, 1890. Lewis Ladd was one of four sons who worked together for several years and accumulated considerable property, which was divided about 1847, when Lewis became sole owner of the farm at Ladd's Point in the town of Grand Isle, where he remained until his death, January 21, 1807. His wife died in December, 1874. She was a descendant of an old English family of distinction and wealth, and upon the mother's side was from a family by the name of Dean. There are now in the possession of A. H.  Ladd  two pieces of antique furniture, a secretary and an old English sideboard, which were brought from England fully 200 years ago, and have always been owned by some of the family.   They are well preserved articles, and excel in workmanship and finish.


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