Mr. Asa Low was a native of Sanford, in the State of Maine, born January 13, 1796. He came to this town about 1820, and engaged in the business of paper making. This business had before been carried on in the same place by others, but in the hands of Mr. Low it was much increased, and through various vicissitudes of prosperity and adversity continued for about a half century. Mr. Low was a man of enterprise and energy in various directions, and did much for the prosperity of Bradford, especially of its village. He for a time owned and much improved the hotel called the Trotter House ; he erected and for years occupied the large stone paper mill, which is still used for the same purpose; built also the substantial brick grist-mill, a few rods below, but subsequently sold it; also built the two-story brick store, nearly opposite the paper mill, on Main street, and was extensively engaged there in various commercial transactions. His family residence was the commodious two-story white house, directly opposite the Trotter House, formerly owned by General Micah Barron. Mr. Low was for a long time a trustee of Bradford Academy, and took a lively interest in the cause of education, and in the support of public worship, on which he regularly attended. He was also an earnest and persevering advocate of total abstinence from the common use of all intoxicating liquors. He was in favor of whatever he judged to be for the benefit of society; and did probably more than any other man to encourage the building of the Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers Railroad, opening a communication from the seaports to this place, whence it has since been extended to. Canada East, and secured railroad connections with Quebec, Montreal, and the far West. At times this man of business seemed to be borne along on the full tide of prosperity, but at other times met with serious disappointments, losses and embarrassments, till at length, in broken health and exhausted energy, he retired, in 1873, from his former rush of business, to the quietude of his own pleasant home and loving family. In his domestic relations Mr. Asa Low has been signally blessed. September 21, 1824, he married Miss Lucinda Brooks, a daughter of Deacon Samuel and Mrs. Anne Butler Brooks, formerly of Worcester, Mass., but at that time of Canada East, with whom he has been living happily for now almost fifty years. Their union has been blessed with three sons and seven daughters. Two of the sons and three daughters, one half of their children, died in childhood.
Of those at this date still living the following brief notices must suffice.
1 Helen Mary, born May 14, 1826, remains at home, greatly to the comfort of her parents.
2 Caroline Henrietta, born November 24, 1827, married Mr. John B. Peckett, of Bradford. They have a pleasant residence on the Lower Plain. See J. B. Peckett and family,
3 George Azro, born December 16, 1833, married Marcia Cutler, a daughter of Rev. Calvin Cutler, formerly of Lebanon and of Windham, N. H. Mr. George A. Low graduated at Dartmouth College in 1857. He taught for some years after his graduation at Chicago, III., St. Paul, Minn., and at Bradford Academy, Vt, and has subsequently been engaged in various business, in connection with his father. In the meanwhile he has taken a deep interest in the cause of education, temperance and religion, in the best interests of society generally, and for several years, much to the satisfaction of his fellow communicants, has filled the office of Deacon in the Congregational church, to which he and Mrs. Low still belong. They have had four children. One died in infancy. The names of those still living are Walter Carroll, James Herbert, and George Evarts. At this date (November, 1874) Mr. George A. Low and family are living at Brooklyn, N. Y.
4 Adaline Prichard, born December 22, 1839, married David Blakely, Esq., Editor of the Chicago Evening Post. Their residence is at Chicago. They have three children-Jesse, Bertha, and Daisy. Mrs. Blakely, since her marriage, has spent some time in Germany, to accomplish herself more to her own satisfaction in the science and art of vocal and instrumental music, in which she was previously quite proficient.
5 Martha Ann Rogers, born July 5, 1842, remains with her parents, contributing much to their happiness, amid the infirmities and trials attending declining age. Mrs. Low and all her surviving children are beloved members of the household of faith. May both parents and children, with their entire families, reach the land of pure delights at last.
Mr. Ira Low, a farmer in West Bradford, is a twin brother of Mr. Asa Low, above mentioned. The wife of Mr. Ira Low was removed from him by death, a year or two since. They had four children, of whom only Ira and Emeline are at this time (July, 1874) living. Biographie Index
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