History of Bradford Vermont
By Rev. Silas McKeen
Published by J. D. Clark & Son in 1875




The first settler of this family name in Bradford, was John Flanders, a son of Ezra Flanders, of Hawke, now Danville, N. H., born there January 24, 1769. He married Rebecca Pettingill, February 24,1794. She was a native of Salisbury in that State ; born March 11, 1772.  They removed to this town in 1798, and settled on the farm now owned by Thaddeus Simpson, where they lived for several years and most of their children were born.  At the time of their settlement here on their mountain farm, flour, and all kinds of meal, were so difficult to be obtained, that for the first six weeks they lived on potatoes and meat, without bread, when their father, Ezra Flanders, then a resident in Salisbury, N. H., sent his youngest son through the woods and new settlements, the distance of some seventy miles, on horseback, with two bushels of corn, for their relief. Let us not in these days complain of hard times. Mr. John Flanders and wife had a family of four sons and three daughters, namely.

1 Andrew Pettingill Flanders, born in Warner, N. H., September 19, 1796, came to Bradford with his parents.  As he grew up he was engaged in agricultural pursuits, and, when of age, married Sally Crane, of Bradford, September 11, 1825. They remained in this town and had a family of three sons and three daughters, all now deceased but one. Amos married, and died here but a few years since.  Benjamin married Miss Mary E. Chamberlin, of this town, built a nice residence at Bradford Center, and died young. His widow married Cyrus Curtis, and with her husband has for several years been keeping a fine millinery establishment in this village. One of the daughters, Julia A., married Edwin Rodgers, of Newbury, but has deceased, and her sisters, Rebecca, Ruth, and Sarah, died young, Mr. John Flanders, now the only surviving member of this family, graduated at the Vermont University ; studied law ; married Miss Jenney Hutchinson, of Canaan, N.  H., and has for years been engaged, it is understood, extensively and profitably in the practice of his profession in the city of New York,

2 Sarah was born in Bradford, January 15, 1798, died September 30, 1864.

3 Moses Flanders, born June 19, 1801, married Abigail Cass, December 6, 1827.

4 Elias S. Flanders, born January 17, 1807, married Matilda Heath, and continues at this date to reside in Bradford. They have two sons and a daughter. Their eldest son, Edmund G., a carpenter and joiner by occupation, married Miss Clemantine Richardson, of Orford, N. H., where they reside. Mary Abbie, his sister, married Jesse A. Warren, a dealer in boots, shoes, etc., in this village.  They have two children. Thomas Jefferson Flanders spent several years of his youth as a clerk in different stores in this village. In June, 1865, he was appointed Postmaster, in which office he continued till his death, which occurred February 14, 1870, in the thirty-third year of his age. In this office, as in all others which he was called to occupy, he gave high satisfaction. While holding the office of Postmaster he was also, for the last year or two of his life, in partnership with Mr. Charles H.  Harding, in a jeweler's and fancy goods establishment, in which they did a  profitable business.  Mr. T. J. Flanders married Miss Kate P. Fabyan, a very estimable young lady, then of this village, who died of consumption but a few months before him, leaving an only son Albert, a promising boy, who on the death of his father was adopt-ed by his uncle, Edmund G., and his wife, as their own.  Mr. T. J. Flanders and wife were members of the Congregational church here, as are also Mr. and Mrs. Warren.  The wife of Mr. Elias S. Flanders died July 12, 1862. 

5 Mariam, born February 8, 1810, married Seneca Dickey, removed with her husband into the Western country, and has there lately deceased. 

6 Peter Flanders, born January 14, 1813, by occupation a farmer, married Miss Mary Cass; resided for several years in Bradford; and finally settled in Haverhill, N. H. They have one son, Nelson Flanders, who was graduated at Dartmouth College, and at Andover Theological Seminary, and is a highly esteemed young minister of the Gospel of the Congregational order.

7 Abigail Flanders, born March 20, 1815.

Of this first Flanders family in Bradford only two members at this date survive, namely : Elias S. Flanders, of Bradford, and his brother, Peter Flanders, of Haverhill. All the rest, with many of their children, years since finished their course and passed away.    Biographie Index

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