Adams Preston, Esq., was a native of Romney, N. H., born June 16, 1801. His father, William Preston, became a resident of that town when but fourteen years of age, and rendered faithful service to his country during the war of the Revolution. He was with Montgomery in Canada, and was there, with others, taken captive; but was exchanged, and again joined the army. He subsequently fell into the hands of hostile Indians; but had the good fortune to escape, and lived to see the war successfully closed, and the independence of his country firmly established. His office in the army was that of a Sergeant.
Mr. Adams Preston married, February 15, 1827, Miss Jane Parkinson, of Canterbury, N. H., and came to this town to reside in the year 1830. He first served as a clerk in the store of Mr. Asa Low for about ten years. He then traded in partnership with Mr. John B. Peckett & Son for ten years longer, after which he prosecuted mercantile business here by himself till 1860, when he retired, to spend the remainder of his days in the frugal use of the competency which he had honestly acquired. That Mr. Preston enjoyed in a good degree the confidence and respect of his townsmen, as a man of intelligence, good judgment, and honesty, is evident from the facts that for seven years he was annually chosen and acted as Town Clerk; and for fifteen years was called to officiate as Justice of the Peace. Surrounded by kind friends, he still remains at this writing a citizen of Bradford.
Mrs. Preston, having lived with her husband in love, quietude and comfort for over forty-seven years, and having by her neighborly kindness secured the good will of all around her, was, on Sabbath morning, March 1, 1874, stricken down by apoplexy, and remained in a state of speechless insensibility till she expired on the subsequent Tuesday afternoon, in the seventy-seventh year of her age. She had never made a public profession of religion, but is understood to have been a very diligent reader of the Holy Scriptures, evangelical in her faith, and for years preceding her death trusting that she had secured the pearl of great price. Biographie Index
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