History of Bradford Vermont
By Rev. Silas McKeen
Published by J. D. Clark & Son in 1875




Israel Willard was a native of Sterling, Mass., born March 2nd, 1777. He remained with his father, engaged in agriculture, till very nearly twenty-one years of age, when he learned the business of chair-making, and commenced operations here in 1804 or 5. His shop was on Roaring Brook, near its confluence with the Connecticut.  Being very devoted to his occupation, and having no competitor, he did quite a large and profitable business for many years. He was a man decidedly honest, very kind-hearted, strictly temperate, and very exemplary in conversation and conduct. He married Miss Abigail Cummings, of Leicester, Mass., March 2, 1806, with whom he lived happily nearly twenty-four years, when she died May 13, 1830, in the fifty-second year of her age. They had seven children, namely.

1 Laura,  born February 5, 1807; married John E.  Chamberlin,  of Newbury, where she resided during the remainder of her life, and had four sons and two daughters.

2 Israel Cummings Willard, born July 2, 1809; married Miss Ruth Jane Colby, of Bradford, September 1, 1852.   She died April 11, 1855.

Mr. Willard married for his second wife Mrs. Apphia Durgan, widow lady, a sister of Capt. B. Celley, of Fairlee, June 27, 1861. They own and occupy the pleasant homestead formerly possessed by his father. That brick dwelling house was built by Capt. Willard in the year 1822. Mr. I. C. Willard, a worthy man, was by occupation a farmer.

3 and 4   Two daughters, who died in their infancy. 

5 Harriet Willard, born December 26, 1816; married Haynes C. Johnson, of Bradford. See the Johnson family.

6 Abigail, born October 15, 1819; married Jonathan Johnson of this town.   See Johnson family. 

7 Lydia Willard, born October 15, 1823; died January 4, 1850 in the twenty-seventh year of her age. She was a fine singer, had remembered her Creator in the days of her youth, and was much beloved by those who knew her.

Capt. Israel Willard, the father of this family, married for his second wife, October 6,1831, the widow Mehitable Sanders, of Newbury, a sister of Capt. Moses Chamberlin, of this town, and an estimable lady.   She died March 13, 1849, aged sixty-five years. Capt. Willard spent the remainder of his days with his son and wife, kindly cared for, and died August 16, 1865, in the 89th year of his age. His mental as well as bodily powers had considerably failed, but he still felt that his Saviour was most precious, and peacefully died, trusting in Him. This good man, and both of his wives, and his daughter Harriet, and his son Israel C, were all members of the same church, Congregational. The son's wife is a worthy member of the Methodist church in this place, but of the same spirit with her husband. Biographie Index

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