Trails to the Past


Windham County




Genealogy Village

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Professor Kellom's students at the Whitingham Academy


Ballou, Emory,

Ballou, Hosea B.,

Ballou, Massena F.,

Barney, Charlotte L., Guilford,

Barry, John S.,  Rowe, Mass.,

Blanchard, Calista E.,

Blanchard, Moses C,

Booth, Matilda H., Bennington,

Bowen, Cassendana,

Bowen, Diantha L.,

Bowen, Janette S.,

Bowen, Ophelia C,

Bowen, Sarah D.,

Brigham, Francis E.,

Brown, Albert R.,

Brown, Mary A.,

Brown, Milliscent Almira,

Carley, Cyrus W.,

Chase, Mary M.,

Clark, Lewis 2d., Colraine, Mass.,

Corkins, Harriet E.,

Davis, E. F.,

Hall, Sophia M.,

Hatch, James W., West Halifax,

Houghton, Lemuel,

Jillson, Clark,

Kingsbury, Elliot, Wilmington,

Lesure, Louise, N. Adams, Mass.,

Leonard, Clark, West Dover,

Murdock, Charles P.,

Murdock, Dexter C,

Peck Charles, Rowe, Mass.,

Potter, Mary E.,

Putnam, Maria N., Halifax,

Reid Pebe A., Halifax,

Russell, Lucy Ann,

Smith, M. A., Colraine, Mass.,

Stark, James L. Jr., Halifax,

Snow, Mary E.,

Stetson, Norris L., Wilmington,

Tyler, Benjamin Owen, Guilford,

Warren, Henry B., Troy, N.

Waste, Amelia,

West, Leonard, Dover,

Wheeler, Samuel Jr.,

Whitney, Jane M.

Hiram A. Pratt succeeded Prof. Kellom as Principal in the spring of 1844, and Tarrant Sibley taught the fall term of that year. From this time onward there was but one term in each year, and that was invariably in the fall. Haynes H. Chilson taught in 1845; Nathaniel J. Smith, in 1846; Wm. G. Brown, 1847, 1848, 1849; Joseph T. Tucker, 1850; Alfred J. Olds, 1851; George E. Sanborn. 1853; Hiram M.  Dickinson, 1854; Emory Pearl Andrews, 1855; Henry Winn, 1856; William Brown, assisted by Addison Brown, 1860; Charles E. Stroud, 1861.


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